“Zodak, can you hear me! It’s Vex!”
The Syphon King eyed Harlow, coming slowly up on Quantum's right with his hand out, imploring, “I need you to move. I need to get in and see about her,” he urged, moving slowly forward.
The man looked behind him, letting out another feral bellow.He’s fighting something inside him,Quantum said.
“He’s fighting it, Lore, we need to help him!”
“Nothing isfuckingworking!”
“Tell me what to do,” Quantum yelled. “His bio-scans are at critical levels.”
“He needs to neutralize,” Nidev ordered.
“And that requires a fuck ton of electricity,” another said. “We need to get him to the Voltorium, the fucking nanobots in his blood arenotresponding.”
The hopeless panic in the man’s voice jerked something in Quantum as Zodak let out another agonizing wail, biting down on his lip. Blood spurted from his mouth and down his chin as his wild eyes filled with rage and bloodlust.
“Don't make me hurt you, Brother!” the Vex King begged, pissed.
The Syphon King launched like a rabid razorback and Quantum caught him midair, taking them both down to the floor and putting him in a hyper-lock.
Harlow hurried into the room with several other Kings.
My calculations provided me with the sum of electricity I need to disable him.
“Oh fuck,” Harlow whispered, reaching the tiny naked woman with the bright blue eyes, open but not seeing.
Harlow, listen closely. He’s too strong for me to hold. I need to perform a high voltage override pulse. It will kill both of us, but my system will reboot three minutes after. I need you to get us to that Regenesis Chamber the Dr. mentioned. Once I’m awake, I’ll quarantine the dark energy in Zodak. We’ll fix him.
Bruh, he’s not gonna wanna come back to this. She’s burnt. Alive, but gone. He sucked everything from her.
Wehaveto try.
“Move back,” Harlow said as several Kings carried the woman out and hurried with her somewhere. “Quantum will have to use his body to deliver a high-voltage-override pulse.”
They all retreated right as intense blue arcs of electricity crackled and surged around their seized-up bodies. Harlow's heart vibrated in his chest from the power humming around them. Harlow fought with his panic as Quantum’s golden eyes filled with the electricity coursing through them, the volt so strong it made them both stiff as stone.
“Holy fuck,” Vex muttered, as bursts of electrical discharges sparked along their skin, the lights in the corridor flickering then bursting.
The electricity vanished and their bodies fell slack, leaving only heavy breathing from the shocked onlookers to fill the eerie silence while the smell of ozone singed the air.
Harlow bolted into action, hurrying to the lifeless men, skin singed and smoldering. “We need to bring them to the Regenesis Chamber. Quantum’s system will come back online in three minutes, and he’ll revive Zodak. Hurry!” he yelled, his fucking panic taking him as he fought to lift the giant off his brother.
Come on brother, don’t fucking glitch with this one,Harlow begged in his neuro-link as they ran both giants to the medical room. Their dead weight required four men each, two at their head, two at their feet. “How much farther,” Harlow yelled, as they hurried right through crowds of gasping onlookers.
“It’s at the end of this hall,” one of the Kings said behind him. “Hurry and get everything online that he may need.”
“How much time has passed?” Harlow huffed.
“Since when, exactly?” one of them asked.
“Since my brother shocked them to fucking death.Christ, keep up with me!”
“Two minutes,” another King answered.
“Two minutes, Brother,” he swore. “One more minute and you’re waking your ass up and cleaning this fucking mess, youheavysonofabitch!”