Page 94 of The Syphon King

“Harlow, get ready to patch in. Another team must prep for the cardio revival sequence. Prepare twenty-five thousand units for immediate deployment. Programmed for ATP and calcium ion release for myocardial activation.”

“Nanofabrication is online,” a King called from the front of the room.

Harlow raced over as a King moved a second chair in place for him.

“Set the fabricator for graphene-coated nanobots with electromagnetic shielding,” Quantum called. “Once I confirm the frequency to disrupt the dark energy, you’ll load it into the nanobots with dual commands: disrupt the dark energy and repair ischemic damage, especially in the brain and heart.”

“Why disrupt and not neutralize?” a King demanded.

“Because there’s a whole lot more than darkness in what he’s siphoned. And if she’s going to live, she’ll need it back. I’mquarantining all of it so it can be carefully extracted and returned to her.”

“Fuck,” the Vex King whispered as murmurs of dread swept through the room.

“What about neural revival and support systems?” a King wondered.

“Another 25,000 units focused on cortical stimulation. Set them to emit mild electrical pulses—start at 0.5 Hz.

“What are we carrying the bots with?”

“Prepare a fast-absorbing, highly permeable carrier fluid for immediate bloodstream action.”

“Lore, that’s you,” a King called.

“Got it.”

“What are we loading this with?” another King yelled.

“High-efficiency syringes,” Quantum said. “Use the surgical unit’s electromagnetic injectors to avoid energy interference.”

Harlow’s fingers shook over the keyboard, waiting for the specifics.

You see this?” Quantum muttered to somebody behind him.

“Yes. The wavelength corresponds to 15.3 kHz.”

“Call it.”

“Already heard,” Harlow yelled. “Settingnanobot frequency to 15.3 kHz.”

“We’ll need multiple injection sites targeting major vascular junctions near the core of dark energy. I’ll need two men on that side and two on my side.”

Four men hurried forward, one of them the genius dark haired Marsh brother.

“Vex, you, handle the injections at the neck, Skul, you handle the hip. Harlow, you’re across from Skul, Lesion, here. Lore, monitor the vitals and feedback from the nanobots. We need to know the second they engage the dark energy.

“Let’s begin.”

Four syringes moved in.

“Slowly,” Quantum directed.

“Live feedback on screen two above your heads,” a tech called. “Nanobots are now engaging.”

“I see them,” Quantum informed. “The dark energy is adapting, increase output on resonance frequencies by twenty percent—stay ahead of it.”

“Increasing twenty percent,” the tech called.

“Prepare another batch of nanobots with alternative configurations,” Quantum ordered. “We might need to hit it with a different tactic if it adapts again.”