Page 95 of The Syphon King

“It’s seven-minutes, Boss,” Harlow said.


“The bots are working,” a tech announced eagerly.

Thank fuck.

“Initiate energy transfer protocol at full capacity,” Quantum instructed. “Direct all nanobots towards the left hand using the predetermined safest route.”

“We have dispersion,” Harlow called out, pissed.

“Adjust the field strength by fifteen percent.”

Fucking dark energy bullshit reminded him of Handy all over again.

“Engage the nanobots to harden the containment field and sync all security measures to my console,” Quantum directed.

“Done,” a King called. “Monitoring on all frequencies.”

“Ready the revival bots for post-revival stabilization. I want a smooth transition once we bring him back.”

“Syncing all revival equipment to the main bio-monitor now.”

“This bastard energy is showing signs of flux,” Harlow warned.

“Adjust the containment field strength by fifteen percent.”

“The standard protocol advises only ten percent increments,” a King said.

“Override,” Quantum ordered.

“Overriding,” the same King affirmed.

Harlow eyed the screen, his pulse still jacked as the bots around the blob of dark energy solidified into a dense wall. He stared at the luminescent light imprisoned within it, realizing he was staring at the woman the Syphon King loved. And basically, all but killed.

He didn’t look forward to what was coming when they revived him.

“Dark energy containment is complete,” Harlow announced, letting out a breath.

“And stable,” the other King monitoring added.

“Don’t exhale yet, Brothers,” Quantum said. “It’s time to bring him back.”

Fuck. “Should we consider starting with a higher ATP dosage given the severity?” Harlow asked.

“We need to monitor his initial response. Overstimulation could lead to arrhythmias.”

“Containment field stability is remaining within parameters,” a King informed.

“Medi-bot Quick Deploys are ready,” another King announced.

“Another fluctuation in containment,” Harlow called out, his muscles burning.

“Give us another fifteen percent security field,” Quantum ordered.

“Medi-bot injections ready.”

“Bring them,” Quantum hurried.