Page 87 of The Syphon King

“Do we by any chance get super dicks with these upgrades?” 8-Bit asked, hopeful.

“I sure as fuck hope not,” Bishop said. “And if my sex drive gets any more super, I’ll be pissed.”

“I’ll take a super dick,” Zep said, raising his hand.

The majority did the same, all laughing.

“Do I get to take the serum too, doc?” Nitro asked with a shit-eating grin.

“Holy fuck,” Hurricane cried, eyes wide with the insane idea of him being more jacked up than he already was.

“His wife needs an ass-kicking serum,” Patches thought.

“What about Seer’s superpower?” Spook wondered, smiling. “Super seeing?”

“If we can order preferences,” Seer said, “I’lltake some sleeping powers.”

“If this works the way it should,” Lesion said, “we could explore further.”

“Ahhh, the fine print,” Bart said. “Please inform us of the worst-case scenario.”

“Would you like that given at normal speeds or super-fast speeds?” Lesion teased.

“Would like it written out,” Bishop said. “Super clearly, in all seriousness.”

Lesion nodded. “You got it.”

“Guess I’ll look forward to building super computers,” 8-Bit muttered.

“Bishop can build us some physical upgrades,” Spar said. “All this superpower will require it.”

“Bruh, your guns get any bigger, you’ll need a fuckin’ wide load sign,” Hurricane laughed.

“Hey Bacon,” August said, “speaking of wide loads—”

“Finish that sentence and you’ll be super fucking dead,” Bacon warned, bringing an eruption of laughter from all of them.

“Man, I was talking about that supersized pancake griddle you ordered. Thing is meant for flipping truck tires, geeze, you know me better than that.”

“It’s usually Hurricane or Traps committing those kinds of phelonies,”Patches said, running and dodging Bacon’s sudden attacks.

“Boys!” Bishop yelled, shaking his head as they laughed their way back in line. “To recap—I like Lesion’s idea. Once we get the details, we’ll go from there.”

“You heard the Big Bot,” Shank said. “It’s a race.”

“I’m here for it,” Spook said, nodding with his arms crossed. “Give me every super fucking thing you got.”

“I’ll take some super bullets.”

“Bruh, we’ll need new names,” Hurricane said with a grin, looking at Lesion. “You think you can give me the power to harness the wind?”

Bishop laughed at Lesion’s eyeroll and headshake. “Don’t stress our alchemist. We need him more than ever.”

Things got suddenly silent and surreal. Then Lesion mumbled quietly, “Imagine what I’ll be able to do if I take this serum.”

Bishop eyed his genius brother, pride filling him. He locked gazes with Seer’s, all lit up atseeingit. Bishop was trying to deal with the entire idea being real.

He suddenly needed to touch Beth and their child growing in her womb. That was real. That wassuperreal. And he’dbecome whatever super thing necessary to protect that.