Page 88 of The Syphon King

“Looks like they’re ready to reconvene,” Seer said, nodding at the Creole Kings heading in the direction of the Sanctum.

ZEN HAD NEVER SEENa more beautiful being as her King. His manhood was terrifying and huge and magnificent like the rest of him. Every inch of his white skin was covered in various ink patterns that insisted she taste immediately. Trace the pretty designs with her tongue. But there were none on his phallus. The why question would wait till after she fed her King what he so desperately needed. That he was letting her, felt like a dream. One of her self-induced hyper realistic fantasies.

Was this his first time feeling pleasure? Wasshehis first in pleasure? A woman had never touched him this way he’d said. She loved that so much.

Her breath held in her chest as he sat and draped the thick chain over his legs then lay back, covering his upper body with it. But not his cock. It was open and free. He spread his arms on the bed and turned hiseyes to her, also naked andlooking. Seeingher. “Cover my arms, hah-beeb.”

Her pulse thumped like a building drum in her chest. She wanted to ask what the word meant. “Hah-beeb,” she whispered, climbing on the bed next to him to do as he asked.

“It means mybeloved, Zeen.”

Her breath caught at the passion in his voice as she gently lay the heavy chain in the same pattern over his muscular arms, not understanding how it might restrain him. He’d mentioned grounding chains. They somehow contained the properties that would forbid his gifts to work. But they didn’t forbid him to move, and this had her breathless with many things. She could never forget what happened to him before. Was he counting on his self-control? The idea tripled her fears. She would stop for him if she saw he needed to. She would be his chains.

“Areyou my beloved, Zeen?” he asked when she finished and lowered her butt to her calves.

She tore her stare from his body and looked right into his eyes, the most powerful thing on him, at least to her. “I am whatever you want me to be, Zo.”

His gaze became a potent lure, drawing her deeper in. “Touch me, myhah-beeb.”

The demanding need in those hot words sucked the air out of her. “ I allowed to touch?”

“Everypart of me.”

The sharp points of his teeth peeked out, reminding her of his inner beauty. He’d made himself look like a monster to repel others and protect them. She slowly leaned in, wanting to touch him there first. Show him that he was beautiful everywhere to her and he could never ever be ugly.

“Zeen,” he whispered as she placed delicate kisses along his mouth, feeling his hunger in the hot exhale of his breaths. Copper and iron mint reached her tastebuds, drawing her hungers forth.

“My beautiful King.” She held his face with her hands, carefully kissing him, urging his lips open. The memory of his last kiss had left a painful longing for many more, along with the ugly terror of being forbidden from ever experiencing it again. “Your mouth is food to my soul,” she confessed.

His breath came on a blast as he lifted his head and gave her what she craved. She held his head in her hands as he opened wide, his tongue a dueling lover along hersas the sounds of his need rumbled thicker and louder in his chest. “Have you had pleasure before my King?” she couldn’t keep from asking.

“Never from a woman,” he swore as her mouth set off on a feasting journey down his body, this news filling her with unspeakable joy. She climbed on him, placing her knees on either side of his thick body, his sheer size not allowing her to avoid contact. His hot skin burned her inner thighs, and she pressed her bottom against him, unable to resist.

“I need to see all of you Zeen,” he roughly begged.

She raised the gown over her head and removed it. She’d gotten naked beneath it and the way he lifted his head and growled at the sight of her womanhood pressed on him brought such an erotic thrill, she moaned from it.

ZODAK HELD HIMSELFperfectly still as her angelic mouth moved along his bio-ink. Her pink tongue licked, her lips kissed, then lightly sucked. His hunger followed hers and put a rumble in his chest as his lust unfurled with a purr alongside it.

He opened his legs as she ventured lower, wanting her between them. He didn’t care about his mess of chains as he rose up on his elbows to watch her descent of delicate moans. “Zeen,” he gushed when she made it to his cock. She stared at the throbbing meat stone pulsing with lifelong anticipation under her breathless gaze.

“I am the first to touch you here?” She stroked her fingertips along the shaft, fueling his feral appetite.

“The very first, my beautiful Zeen,” he seethed on a growl, his monster voice in full effect.

“I want to kiss you here.”

His breath flew out as she showed him where, circling her finger over the titanium post on the head. “I need your perfect mouth on it, Zeen.”

She leaned and used her tongue, tracing the path she’d drawn with her finger.

“Fuck,” he blasted, opening his legs more, thrusting for those angelic lips. “Suck my cock before I lose my mind.”

She grabbed the shaft in both hands and captured the head in her mouth with hungry moans, those tiny fingers strangling him perfectly.

His growl got thicker when she took half of him, the metal post hitting against her throat. “I need your pussy wrapping mycock,” he swore, flinging the threat of darkness aside as she filled him with hot energy. He was prepared to lie and deceive her onto his hard dick so he could fuck her with a brutal perfection.

“Zo,” she gasped, raising up and kneeling before him.