Page 66 of The Syphon King

She pulled back, creating a foot of space to breathe in.

“Their idea,” he said.


“Because my bite amplifies their powers. They would rather use that than mating with a woman. For now. And their blood...helps me in many ways. Depending on their gifts.”

Her brain sped with all this information then searched for why she felt so against it.

“My Eveque says I can try it, but I’ll need your written consent.”

She snorted then paused. “You’re serious?”


She didn’t like being unable to see his face while talking about this. “Can we go where I can see you?”


“I need to read your face, that’s why. You may be required to obey my obsession, but you are known for manipulating that obsession to your own tastes.”

His smiling mouth nibbled along hers. “So fucking guilty.”

“But not sorry,” she gasped as he stood with her cradled in his arms.

“Definitely not sorry.” At the bedroom door he said, “Open sesame.”

She reached and found the doorknob, turning it. “I’m trying to figure out why it feels like a bad idea,” she confessed.

“Lights,” he said.

She slid her hand along the wall and flipped the switch. He walked to the bed and tossed her in it, her giggle disappearing when he removed his shirt. More like unwrapped her drug. She was addicted and he was her eager supplier. She knew it and he knew it and just like he said, he wasn’t sorry. Neither was she, but in that second, she felt like she should give-a-what.

He undid his pants now. “I have something else I need your permission for.”

“Hold on, keep your pants on, brother,” she ordered, eyeing his mischievous look. “We’re talking. We can’t do it and talk at the same time, you know that.”

“I didn’t, actually,” he said, as she patted the bed.

“Sit here without touching me, please. And let’s get this out of the way so we can get to our obsession.”

He sat and faced her, placing his palm on the bed. “Let’s talk. So, we cando it,” he grinned.

She eyed him. “You’re being so weird.”

“I’m not used to needing your consent, I guess.”

“Maybe. Plus, something else.”

“I really want your consent?” he offered. “Willing to negotiate for it?”

She nodded a little, still watching him. “That’s suspicious.”

He laughed at her. “Can I give you one kiss? I missed the fuck out of you all day.”

“There is no such thing asoneanything with you,” she said, putting her hand on his forehead when he leaned in for it. “What else you need my permission for?”

“I want to make a better way to bite you.” His grinfaded as he looked at her mouth. “Yourcuntis getting wet,” he whispered, eyeing her. “Was it something I said?”