Page 65 of The Syphon King

He shook his head, still not liking any of it.

“We’ll make sure he’s closely monitored,” Nidev assured.

“And if he becomes dangerous, I’ll hyper-siphon him.”

“There you have it,” Nitro muttered, eyeing Zodak with that hungry gaze. “Safety measures galore.”

Maybe it was Bishops excessive experience with life-long shit storms that had him unconvinced. He’d leave them to it. “When will this be done?”

“One King every two days,” Nidev said. “Gives us time to sufficiently monitor things without delaying.”

Bishop nodded, raking his fingers through his hair. “If we have no other updates, I’m ready to call it a night.”

“If we missed anything, I’ll text it to you directly,” Nidev said.

“Thank you.” He palmed the table. “One more month, gentlemen. Everything will go the same as last month.”

The room filled with mutters of nods and agreement as Bishop stood and the rest of them followed. “Don’t forget your King’s quarters are ready should you want to stay the night. Mah-Mah makes a mean omelet and would be thrilled to cook for all of you.”

After a round of thanks, he found his way to the door, pulling out his phone and dialing his wife before his need to touch her drove him more nuts than he already was.

FELIX CAME OUT OF THEbathroom and immediately paused at encountering totaldarkness. And silence. She looked toward the room where her generals slept, hearing nothing. Had Nitro gone up to the room already?

She hurried to the stairs when one of her weird feelings hit her, running up.

“He still thinks I’m in charge.”

She screamed and bolted back, getting jerked forward by the arm. “Fucking shit, Nitro!” she gasped as he pulled her onto his lap.

“I caught you,” he soothed. “Sorry. I wanted to hear your heartbeat.”

“I’m sure it’s breaking your eardrum now,” she sputtered on a shaky voice, wrapping her arms around his neck. “And who thinks you’re in charge? In charge of what?”

“My Eveque. In charge of you.”

“ are in a way.”

“Because you’re obsessed with me.” His nose moved along her neck. “And I’m required to obey your obsession.”

“Youmakeme obsessed,” she argued around the shiver moving over her skin.

“A vicious loop.”

She closed her eyes as his tongue slowly licked up to herearlobe. “It is,” she whispered.

“You’re obsessed this very second,” he murmured, the pulse between her legs raging already.

“I am.”

“What if I told you...there’s a way I could gain more control over it?”

Everything paused in her. “What kind of control?”

“The kind that keeps me from killing those I shouldn’t. Like Eveque’s slut brother.” He was back at her neck, driving her pulse higher again.

“How would you get this control?”

He tongued her earlobe, his groan low in his chest. “The Kings.”