Page 22 of The Syphon King

“Builds what?”

“Bridges. To what, we’re not sure. Only that there are four. One branching off another, connected. Resembling the beginningsof a tree with limbs.”

“What about you?” Rukem called. “You look like a man who knows something.”

Zodak considered his words carefully, feeling like it was necessary while not understanding why. “Something is amiss with me.”

“Bloody hell,” Vex muttered, knowing that could be a very bad thing.

He had no actual clue just how right he was. He suddenly stood as premonitions of horror hit his biosensors, grabbing hold of his muscles. He looked at all his brothers as darkness gradually seeped from this abyss into his pores. “I’m not safe. Help me.”

BISHOP’S PHONE BUZZEDagainst his ass, and he set the welding wand down, removing his helmet. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with his shoulder and pulled it out.


“You’re gonna need to sit down for this,” Bart said quietly the second he answered, his tone jacking his pulse.

Bishop glanced around the shop, making sure it was empty. “Tell me.”

“Thinking we got some coin action. Three days ago,thirteencar dealershipswere sabotaged. Day after that,thirteenclubs were burned to the ground. And yesterday?Thirteenbanks were hit—accounts drained.”

Bishop made his way out of the shop when Nickles entered. “And you think the number means something?”

“Not just the numbers,” he assured eagerly. “Butwho. Every one of these places? Owned by the elite—richest of the rich. Fancy golf clubs, yacht clubs, restaurants, shopping malls, car dealerships, jewelry shops but the biggest one is the banks. Thirteen rich ass banks get hit andallthe funds were drained from it. Who did it? No idea. Where did it all go?Nobodyknows. Yet.”

“Ego,” Bishop said. “The wealthy surely have plenty of it.”

“It’s starting, brother,” he said, with a dark hunger. “They areburningthe stage to the ground.”

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Bishop barely muttered. “Who all knows?”

“Just me and 8-Bit. Now you.”

“I’ll call the Kings. We need to meet. Gather the Twelve in the boxwhile I do that.”

“On it, boss.”

“I WANTeverytest immediately performed that you can. I must be onfulllockdown,” Zodak insisted to Alerik as he paced inside the containment room. “I need my phone. I’ll need to talk to Zeen and explain things to her. Has the Seer been reached?”

“He’s on his way here. I’ll get your phone and you can call her.”

“She doesn’t have a phone,” he remembered. “Bring her here. I have to see her.”

“I’ll see it done,” Alerik said with a curt nod, turning with an urgency only his keen intuition could bring. He returned his attention to the darkness churning in him, measuring it again. It hadn’t acted yet, but he felt like it was building up for something. His mind went back to Zeen. What would he tell her? And why did he want to see her more than he needed to breathe? And this dread boring into every cell in his being...what was it?

While waiting for the Kings to finalize preparations, he raced through everything he’d learned in all his years, searching for clues and answers as to what was happening and what he could do to control it if not stop it.

Shehad to be tested.

He banged his fists on the glass till Lore came in. “She needs to be tested. We have no idea what her gifts are, and I suspect it’s integral to what I’m experiencing.”

“Shall we contain her as well?”

“Yes. Youmust. I will speak to her first,” he remembered. “And explain to her. She will comply.”

“Consider it done, King,” Lore assured. “I’ll prepare another room for her tests.”

The door opened and Zeen raced in, placing both her hands on the glass before him, the terror and worry in her delicate face waking a hungry rage. “I’m so sorry, Zodak,” she whispered. “I shouldn’t have done this. But I’llneverbe sorry for needing you,” she gasped, shaking her head and wiping her tears.