Page 23 of The Syphon King

The darkness in him lurched for her with a hunger, bringing his own terror. “Listen to me, Zeen,” he hurried. “Something is not right with me, and I fear I may hurt you.”

She shook her head a lot. “You wouldn’t.”

“What is in me, I fear I cannot control. My brothers will run tests and I need you to let them do the same for you too. Will you do this for me Zeen?” Hepounded the glass with his fist when a thick lust for her pummeled him.

“I will do whatever you say, my King,” she wept. “I’m here, I’m yours, I won’t leave you.”

“I need you to be strong Zeen,” he said, unsure of what was coming.

She nodded quickly. “I will be so strong for you.”

“I want totasteyou,feelyou,” he seethed quietly, fighting not to look into her desperate gaze even though all his gates were locked down tight. “I want toseeyou withallthat I am.”

“Your brothers will help you. They love you very much, I see this.”

“What are your gifts, Zeen?”

She gave a sob, looking helpless and confused. “I don’t know. I’m so sorry.”

His chest burned with her sorrow while the need to touch her crushed his bones. “Do not ever be sorry for being you, my pretty Zeen.”

“I’m scared, Zo,” she gasped, pressing her hands against the glass. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“Nothing will happen,” he swore, pressing his hands on hers. “My brothers will do whatever it takes to ensure it. You will see.” He watchedas tears poured from her tormented gaze while agony crimped her forehead.

“What if...what if I have a bad gift?” she barely whispered, her pain and fear stirring the darkness in him as if were its food source.

“Itdoes notmatter, Zeen. I will always protect you. I willneverforsake you.”

She fixed her bright eyes right on him. “Can you see it?” she wept. “Can you see how much I love you? I don’t remember things, but I know I’ve never loved anybody before you. Do you believe me?”

The confession brought a crippling dark vice that dropped him to his knees. “Leave Zeen,” he gasped, not wanting her to see it. “Let my brothers help you!” he growled, clenching his eyes shut when his siphoning powers salivated for her. He bared his teeth as he fought it. “Go!” he roared at her.

She ran out with a sob that burned every atom in his body. Dalk and Gauld entered. “Do not open the cell,” he warned through thick heaves. “You must subdue me before entering.”

“The Seer is here. Do you wish to speak to him prior to proceeding with chemical restraints?”

“Yes,” he blasted, the sudden hope almost immediately devoured by the darkness. “Hurry.”


Seer’s voice gave him strength to stand and face him. “See that she is protected. I don’t know what’s happening or what’s coming.”

“What can you tell me?”

“I know that when I was intimate with her, something occurred. Something with her gift. They’re going to run tests. I don’t think I siphoned everything from her,” he barely said, never wanting her to hear that.

“I’m praying, son,” he assured. “God will direct us.”

Zodak put his right hand on the glass, remembering he was free to stare into his blue gaze. “Thank you, brother.And...thank yourGodfor me.”

He nodded solemnly. “I’ll let you thank Him yourself. It’s all gonna work out, one way or another.”

Zodak felt a multi-verse in the meaning of his words. Yes, it would all work out one way or another. But not without great cost. “Tell my brothers I’m ready.”

“I’ll be here prayingtill it’s done,” he said.

“PERMISSION TO CONTINUEhelping our brother,” Thakx said. “The time or manner of learning this news our Marsh brothers have won’t change it.”