“Leaveheralone!”shescreamed as he dragged the blade across my thigh again. The intense burning feeling ignited my whole body. I tried to hold the screaming in, but I can’t. My lungs burned, the tears running down my face as my body thrashed back and forth. “Take it out on me! LEAVE HER ALONE!”
I almost begged him to do what she said, take it out on her. But I don’t even know who she is. I couldn’t let Zander take out whatever anger he’s holding onto her.
But I couldn’t. I couldn’t do that to her.
“Pl–please. I didn’t d–do anything!” I begged. I didn’t understand why he was so angry with me. I didn’t understand.
“I love when they beg, so please. Keep screaming, keep begging me.” His wicked smile would’ve scared me if it weren’t for the knife that began to stab into my shin.
Please, please someone find me.
The steady beeping sound was the first thing I noticed. My brain felt cloudy as I searched for what was going on. Tilting my head to the side, I felt the tug of something lying against my nose. Blinking my eyes open, I scanned around the hospital room.
I’m safe. I’m safe. Oh god.
I nearly choked on a sob until the sound of the door opening caused me to scream. Tears streamed down my face, and someone's arms wrapped around me. His warm, strong arms held me tight against him. I tried to thrash around, to get them off me.
“Moya Printsessa.” I could hear the hurt in his voice.Killian.
“Killian.” I began shaking my head. I couldn’t believe it.
“Shh, it’s okay. You’re safe,” Killian murmured. “Come on, baby, take a deep breath.” I could feel him taking a deep breath, waiting for me to follow along. “I got you, moya Printsessa. I got you both. I’m here,” He repeated again, soothing me.
I could feel my eyes beginning to droop. I was tired. Everything was sore, but I needed to tell him. Tell him the truth. “It was him, Killian.” I wasn’t sure if I was even speaking. “It was him. Zander is The Devil.”
I hoped he heard me and that I wasn’t just speaking inside my head.
Themomentshefellasleep I was out, storming back to the waiting room, not caring that I had three sets of eyes on me. My body moved towards my bag of equipment I needed to find Zander. I was going to kill him, murder him. I needed to make him bleed and suffer like he did to my girl.
He may have hurt her, broken her down. But little did he know he fucked with the wrong girl. I was going to make him regret ever knowing me, for hurting her. No one hurt my girl, no one. He was going to die a very slow and painful death.
It was going to be long, slow torture and I was going to enjoy every second of it.
I was going to enjoy making his life a living fuck–
“Killian!” someone yelled behind me. But I couldn’t focus, couldn’t think as I shoved everything off one of the side tables. I needed my computer up and running so I could find him.
“What are you doing?”
“Why is he freaking out?”
“What happened?”
Questions were being fired at me, but I couldn’t find it in me to answer them. I needed to find him. How could Zander, my best friend, how could he do that? How could he hurt the only person I loved?
I was fuming by the time I got my computer up and running. I just needed to find Zander and then I could make everything else better. Aziza was going to be okay, she needed to be okay. I couldn’t live with myself if she wasn’t okay. I couldn’t—
“Killian.” Z, the only clear voice, was behind me. The murderous rage was threatening to take me under again.