Page 89 of Love and War

Looking up, I narrowed my eyes at him.

“It was him, Z,” I muttered, bringing up my scanning program.

“Him who?”

“Zander,” I spat his name out. What a fucking joke. I never thought I could hold on to this hate in my life. Richard and Luca were the only ones I found myself wanting to murder. Maybe even Holly, after finding out what she’d done. And they’d meet their end.

But Zander, he was going to die first. And I was going to enjoy it.

I ignored everyone around me. My focus was on my screen. I was going to end him.


Lying on my stomach, I kept my M4A1 tightly against my side. The scope was clear as I looked through it at the house Zander was in. It only took a little over an hour to find him and find the cabin. Another hour to grab Salem’s weapon before I was lying here watching.


I didn’t want this to be over so quick. I wanted to torture him. Make him feel the same pain she felt. But I didn’t want to leave Aziza for long. I knew Salem, Zane, and Z were all there keeping watch. I knew she was safe. But I needed my eyes on her, and until Zander was gone, I couldn’t relax.

His form appeared in the window as he looked out. I didn’t know what he was looking for, but I took my shot. Aiming for his shoulder, I took a deep breath in and then out.


His body slammed back. I could hear him screaming from here. Smiling, I waited. He has to move at some point.

My eyes never left him, as I stood and began to make my way down. I needed to look him in the eye while I watched him take his last breath. As soon as I was on the porch, I kicked the door in, his grunt coming from the kitchen. Following a trail of blood, I smiled when I took in his limp form leaning against the kitchen sink.

“Fuck,” he muttered.

I looked at the man that used to be my best friend, the one who hung out with Z and I. The one who always was hot headed but was never disloyal. How could he have become this hateful?

“Why?” is the only question I could ask. Though I had a million floating around in my head, I only wanted to know why.

“Why?” he spat, blood trickling down his lips. “Because the fucking bitch deserves to die. She took my best friend away. She has been a thorn in my side since day fucking one. And because I got a pretty penny for her head.”

Crouching down, I looked at him, really looked. I thought I’d feel sad, maybe a little hurt that he did this. Especially when I heard his reasoning, but I didn’t. I felt nothing for him. I didn’t give a shit about him anymore, not when I had a baby on the way.

My baby.

Suddenly, I was ready to get this over with. I was ready to put this in the past and to go get Aziza. I was going to be a better father than Richard, a better father than Aziza’s.

“Don’t worry, Zander, she’s alive.” I smiled. “And so is our child.” His eyes widened. Loving the fact he had no idea she was pregnant. Loving that he was going to die knowing she survived, that he didn’t finish whatever he was paid to do.

“Who hired you?” I asked, raising the gun.

“You think I’ll tell you? I know you’re going to kill me, so I think I’ll keep it a secret. Take it to the grave, you know.” He coughed, more blood trickling down his mouth.

“Yes, either way you’re going to die. But it depends on how. I’ll patch that up and tie you down in the basement or end your pathetic life quickly.” Grabbing the knife from my side pocket I flipped it open. Slamming it down into his foot, his screams echoed around the small kitchen.

“Fuck!” he sobbed. Fucking pussy.

Yanking the knife out, I give him two seconds before doing the same to his other foot. Zander tried pulling his foot back, only causing the knife to slice deeper into his sole.

“Ok–okay, fuc-fuck.” He was losing too much blood already. “It–it was Luca.”

“Luca Russo?” I asked.

“Ye–yes, he hates he-her. Wants her de–dead, she’s his f–fuck daught-daughter.”