Page 24 of Love and War

“Hey Z, Kills!” Zander called from his house, motioning for us to come over. I didn’t know what he wanted, but I wasn’t leaving her. Not after it being so long.

“You two can go, it’s okay.” But it wasn’t, I didn’t want to leave.

“Z, you can go. I’m going to stay here.”

Thankfully, he didn’t say anything, just squeezed her arm before running across the street to Zander's house. Suddenly I felt nervous. I’d been around girls before but Aziza made me nervous. She was outspoken and didn’t take anyone's shit.

“Thanks for staying,” I barely heard her say.

“You don’t need to thank me,” I mumbled, wishing I didn’t feel so awkward.

“Between us, I love you the most.” Her smile widened, finishing off her juice. I didn’t know if she realized what she’d just said.

But I did. Even if it was nothing, my heart warmed with the thought of someone pure, nice, and lovely, loving me.


“You good there, Popsicle?” Aziza asked, breaking me from my thoughts. Focusing back on her, her blonde hair was pushed back into her hood. Her fingers intertwined, fidgeting, her feet shifting as if she didn’t know what to do with herself.

“Who was that?” My voice came out rougher than I intended. Aziza flinched and immediately I felt like shit. Obviously, whoever was at the door was someone she didn’t want here.

“It doesn’t matter. You can leave, Killian.” I hated the way she hugged herself. I wanted to be the one who comforted her. I had been that person before, and I hated the fact I wasn’t anymore. I wasn’t her safe space; she didn’t trust me anymore. And I couldn’t believe I didn’t realize this before now.

She felt as if I was a stranger.

“Seriously, can you please just leave?” she begged, “I need you to leave Killian, please. I never beg you for anything, so I need you to do this one thing for me. I need you to leave. I need you to go, go far away from me.” Her voice broke, her eyes filling with tears, and I hated that.

I hated the fact I caused that pain in her eyes. I hated that I couldn’t fix it. My heart broke, and I wanted to wipe all her tears away.

“I don’t want to leave,” I muttered.

“Killian,” she whispered.

As much as I wanted to tell her to just stop thinking so hard and to let me in, I knew that if I pushed too hard, she’d break. So swallowing the lump in my throat, ignoring the tear in my heart to not walk out that door, I nodded my head in defeat.




She’s allowed him to touch her.

She’s disgusting.

I hate everything about her.

They’re both evil.

It’s almost time.

Time for her to meet her end.



Ittookmoreforme than I cared to admit to walk out. The moment the door closed behind me, I heard it. It was quiet, but it was there. The sound of her crying, the softest whimper left her mouth, as I heard her let out a little choked scream.