Page 87 of Love and War

“I need you to keep calm while I tell you.” He glanced over at Z by my side, and I felt his grip tighten. I knew he was ready to hold me down if I got angry. Waiting a moment he finally continued. “She has multiple cuts and contusions. About half of the cuts needed stitches, a lot of them along her legs, and some on her arms and chest. The bruising is, well, I’m going to be blunt, it’s bad. She’s covered in multiple bruises, a few burns along her sides as well. She came in with a concussion and a dislocated shoulder. She was extremely dehydrated, and while her previous cast was still intact, we removed it. It’s mostly healed. We’re currently wrapping it just to help the process. She’s going to need to stay off her feet, and because of her shoulder she won’t be able to use crutches. From her file, she had been in an accident five months ago?”

I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but no words would form. I needed to ask about our baby. I needed to know.

Thankfully, Salem stepped up to my side and answered, “Yes. Her collar bone was broken, and her wrist was hurt along with her foot.”

“Unfortunately, it's the same shoulder.”

“When can we see her? When can we take her home?” Salem asked.

“After we finish up, you can see her for a few minutes before she needs rest. Going home is going to be a while. We would like to keep her for a week or more to make sure the baby is healthy and well.”

Salem gasped beside me. Z’s hand tightened against my shoulder, and I could feel their eyes on me.

“It–it’s alive?” I found myself asking, my voice barely a whisper.

“Yes, when she was found, she had informed the paramedics that she was pregnant, and that she has type one diabetes. We were able to make sure she’s alive and healthy. We would just like to keep them here for a week.”

I could barely acknowledge what he was saying, my brain trying to wrap around the fact they were both alive. She was going to be okay.

“Now I have to go reset her shoulder. I’m assuming you're her boyfriend?” He motioned to me.


“I need you to stay calm. The moment it’s done, a nurse will come out here and grab you,” he said, his eyes shifting between Z and Salem or Zane. I couldn’t decipher who he was looking at and what he was trying to tell them.

Swinging around, Z’s hand fell from me.

“Come on, let’s go sit down,” Salem mumbled, trying to coax me to follow her. I wasn’t sure what to do, so taking a step I followed suit.

It wasn’t until I heard her high-pitched, pain-filled scream coming from the room that my body tensed. That sound. I couldn’t handle her screaming like that. I needed to find her, she needed me.

My body lunged forward ready to get to her side, but someone's hand gripped my shoulders again. I tried yanking myself forward, but he wouldn’t let me. I pushed myself forward again only to be tackled to the ground.

“Calm the fuck down,” Z growled into my ear. “Her shoulder was put back into place and now it’s over with. She is already feeling much better. Now I’m going to remove myself, don’t make me tackle you again.”

Nodding my head the best I could, Z removed himself and I sat back on my knees, facing the room I knew she was in.

I was going to tear apart the fucker who took her.


I watched the clock as the seconds passed, the minutes, and finally an hour. It was only when the nurse finally came to get us that I felt a lump in my throat that didn’t leave when I swallowed. My fists tightened at my sides as we stepped into her room. Aziza's body appeared small, too small in the hospital bed.

Pulling a chair to the side of the bed, my eyes scanned down her frame. Her skin was paler, making the bruises that littered her arms, neck, and face that I could see stand out. She had a long cut along her chest, close to her collarbone. Part of it had been stitched together. Her ankle was prepped up, a bandaged wrap around her dainty foot. For fucks sake, even her toes were bruised.

The blanket was covering her body and legs so I couldn’t see how bad they were. And I was thankful for that because I didn’t know if I could keep the murderous rage contained for long.

“She’s going to be asleep for a while, they gave her some meds to help,” Salem whispered beside me.

Giving her a curt nod, I grabbed Aziza's hand. Even her fingers held bruises, her nails chipped and stained red from what I could assume was blood. I leaned closer, needing her to keep the monster inside me at bay.

“We’re going to be in the waiting room. Call us if you need something.” Zane patted my shoulder, him and Salem leaving. Z stood by the door watching. I didn’t know why he was here. I wanted to ask, but right now all I could do was watch her.

I didn’t want to take my eyes off her.

A tear slid down my cheek.

It was my fault she was in here.