Page 81 of Love and War

“Fine,” Killian snapped, crossing his arms over his chest. I knew he wasn’t going to be happy, but this was different. “Call me when you get there, and call me when you leave.”

“I don’t have a phone.”

I thought at first it would be weird not having my phone or computer attached to the hip. But it’s been nice not having a screen in my face, not having to track people down. It was a nice difference from what I was used to.

“Here,” he said. Reaching into a drawer, he pulled out a small flip phone. “I want you to call me when you get there, and when you leave. If you’re not back within an hour, I’m coming to find you.”

His eyes bored into mine, a million words spoken without using his mouth. I knew he would be worried about it, but seriously what was the worst that could happen? Someone steals my shopping cart?

Grabbing the phone from his hand, he caught my wrist tugging me forward.


“I love you,” he mumbled against my lips.

“And I love you.” Smiling, I leaned into his mouth, opening my lips, allowing his access. I would never grow tired of him, of his taste, feeling him. Never.

“An hour, Aziza, and call me.”

“I will, I promise.”


I was craving sour airheads for weeks, and now I had six bags in the shopping cart. Along with a box of chocolate donuts, two bags of Takis, cinnamon roll Puffcorn, and spicy ramen noodles. Did I need all this? No. Was my intention to get all of this? Also no. But fuck when I got here, everything sounded good. Even as I stood in the checkout line, watching her ring everything up, my eyes can’t leave the Reeses peanut butter cups.

“Was that all, ma’am?” the checkout lady asked me.

Glancing up, I nodded my head pulling my card out.

“Okay, your total is sixty-four dollars and forty-three cents.”

Sliding my card, I grabbed my bags before pulling out the phone Killian gave me. Dialing his number, I made my way to the car.

“Moya Printsessa,” he answered on the second ring.

“Popsicle.” Unlocking the car I set the bags inside. “I’m putting bags inside the car now. I’ll be back in twenty minutes.”

“It’s a twenty-five-minute drive, don’t speed,” he growled.

“I’ll be safe.”

“No speeding, Aziza,” he ordered.

“Okay, okay. I got it. No speeding, I understand. You know your b—”


Something connected with the back of my head, and my body fell forward, the phone on the ground somewhere.

My vision went blurry as their hand gripped my hair, yanking me back.

“Ow, fuck. HELP!” I screamed, my hands reaching back to grip whoever was dragging me back.

Dark spots started invading my vision. I tried screaming but their hand clamped around my mouth. “Stupid bitch.”

I was losing consciousness fast. I had no idea who this was. “I tried once and failed. But I won’t fail again.” His voice was so familiar… so… Devil. It was him.

Fighting with everything I had, I bit down on his hand. Even if it gave me a few seconds, I yelled to Killian on the phone, hoping he could hear me. “Devil, IT’S HIM. KILLIAN, IT’S HIM!”