Then everything went black.
“Popsicle, I’m putting bags inside the car now. I’ll be back in twenty minutes.”
Rolling my eyes, I couldn’t help but growl, “It’s a twenty-five-minute drive, don’t speed.”
“I’ll be safe.”
“No speeding, Aziza,” I ordered.
“Okay, okay. I got it. No speeding, I understand. You know your b—” Aziza was cut off. I could hear the sound of her falling. But then it was silent.
“Aziza?” I tried not to panic, but my heart was already starting to rise. Something felt wrong.
“Ow, fuck. HELP!” Her voice was muffled. Dropping the ax, I ran inside yanking the truck keys from the wall.
“AZIZA!” I yelled, digging my key into the ignition.
“Stupid bitch,” the man yelled at her. Dirt shot up and around as I sped down the mountain, hoping she was fighting. I hated listening to my girl trying to fight for her life. I knew I should’ve gone with her. I knew.
I could hear a muffled scream and then more voices, someone speaking. But I couldn’t understand the words.
The last thing I heard before the line went dead was Aziza screaming, “Devil, IT’S HIM. KILLIAN, IT’S HIM!”
My foot pressed harder on the gas pedal. “Fuck, fuck fuckkkk!”
There are things I never wanted to do in my life. Leave Aziza for one, I barely survived it. Another was when I had to say goodbye to my childhood best friend Z. I never knew why he left when he was twenty-one. I still haven’t heard from him, but I kept my promise. I didn’t look into him. The third thing I never wanted to do was tell the love of my life’s best friend that the only person in her life was missing. And it was my fault.
I should’ve never taken her from the hospital. I should have told her from the beginning. I should have been honest with them all. That someone was after Aziza, that Devil, whoever the fuck it was, that they were trying to kill her. There were so many secrets, and now she was gone.
Taking a deep breath, I tried ignoring the pain that shot through my chest. She was missing, and it was all my fault. My fault. My hand rested on the door, ready to knock when a crash sounded inside.
Not thinking twice, I slammed the door open. Someone screamed, unsure of who until I reached the kitchen.
I could pick Salem out right away, as her body flung against the far wall. But that didn’t stop her. Aside from a small grunt she sprung back to her feet, in a fighting stance, waiting for the giant figure to do something. From watching Salem, the men always rushed towards her. Instead, he cocked his head to the side like she was a bug that just wouldn’t die. Whoever it was wore a black mask over his face, along with black and gray tactical gear. This man was a fucking giant. Bigger than Zane, and Zane was a huge dude. Twice the size of Salem, so watching her keep her own against this fucker, damn.
My eyes snapped to the movement by the table. Zane sat there shoving popcorn into his mouth. I expected him to confront me, basically do anything but smirk before watching Salem and the giant again.
“What the hell is going on?” I finally asked. This was ridiculous, there were other important things at hand.
“Killian, I’ll deal with you in a minute.” Salem didn’t even spare me a glance. Instead she rushed the giant. Fists tight, she threw a punch towards him. Except the giant man stepped to the side, shoving her into the island.
“Kitten, I’m always happy to help,” Zane said around a mouthful of popcorn. I swear I could hear Salem’s teeth grind down.
“Handle him, I can take care of this… this, fuck why are you so goddamnbig?”
Zane didn’t move, just raised a brow at me before turning his attention back towards her. Both of us watched as Salem and the giant fought. She’d throw a punch, while he knocked her off balance. Salem always used her small size to her advantage, being quick. But this man was faster and fucking huge.
“ENOUGH!” I snapped. I couldn’t just stand here while they fought, and Aziza was out there.
Finally the giant stepped back and looked over at me. Only to march towards me. I barely had time to prepare myself to get my shit rocked. I could fight, I could hold my own. But against someone probably three inches taller, and a good hundred pounds more. I’d be surprised if my face didn’t get punched through my skull.