He swung his fist, but I blocked him just like I did before. I swung my leg knocking him back again, but this time he grabbed hold of my leather belt across my back, taking me down with him.
A sharp pain shot through my stomach. But I didn’t have time to focus on the pain. Instead I head butted him. Getting to my feet left me open as a shot rang out.
“Fuck.” The words left my mouth. The pain in my shoulder left my right arm useless.
I was tackled, my head bouncing off the ground. Everything went blurry, even as I felt someone straddle me. Hands wrapped around my throat, pressing down. I no longer had oxygen as I was being choked.
My lungs struggled, my arms struggled, everything was struggling. Until I felt the weight being pushed off me.
“Salem, come on, plea-please.” That little voice called to me again. Blinking my eyes open, Tobias's face filled my sight. “Come on, please, you gotta get up.”
I tried my best to sit up, but everything screamed at me.
“G-gu-gun,” I stuttered out. Tobias left quickly before shoving something in my left hand. Thankfully he didn’t try my right, as it was completely useless.
“Little boy got away from her!” Dante spat out somewhere to my left.
Looking over, he pulled a knife from his side, blood pouring from it. Luca was nowhere in sight; it was only us three. Pointing the gun at Dante, I whispered, “Close those eyes, little one.”
I didn’t have to wait. I knew he had done what I asked. “Say my name,” I growled at Dante.
He shook his head. Refusing.
Shooting his leg, he barked out in pain, falling face first onto the ground.
“Pl-please, I’m so s-sorry,” he begged, peaking at me from the ground. “I-I-I was yo-young, I just did w-what my fa-father told me t-to do,” he continued explaining. As though I cared what he actually said.
“My name.”
“S-Salem Gray.”
A bullet in his head, and he dropped to the ground.
My head fell back down onto the ground. I knew Tobias was speaking, but I couldn’t hear the words. I could barely see his face. Exhaustion was threatening to take over. The darkness was begging to drag me down.
“No!” Tobias screamed. Other voices screamed, but the only one I heard was his.
That’s all I felt.
I didn’t let the SUV come to a complete stop before I yanked the door open, and I was running to them lying on the ground.
“NO!” Tobias screamed at her. My knees hit the ground the moment I was beside her and I couldn’t believe my eyes. She was covered in crimson, blood pouring from her everywhere. I had no idea how to stop it.
“Oh, fuck!” someone behind me said. I couldn’t be sure who it was. My hands wrapped around my shirt, tearing it from me as I pressed it to her side.
“Salem…” My voice broke.
Her eyes found mine, tears welling in them. I couldn’t handle her crying anymore.
“I’m so sorry.” I leaned into her. “CALL THE AMBULANCE!” I found myself screaming.
“Zane…” she whispered. “I’m sorry I never told you.”