“I will. Love you too, Rach. Talk soon.” After ending the call and safely placing the phone back in its secret location, I slip on a pair of jeans and a fancy black top that will hide my bloated belly after I eat too much and have a few drinks.
Cash arrives right on time, looking suave and sexy in a black sweater, dark jeans, and those brown boots that make him look like a cowboy I want to ride.
“Damn. You look beautiful.” He leans in to kiss me, pressing me against the wall as he slams the door shut. I just saw him two nights ago when he came over after his shift and brought me dinner, and then we rolled around in my bed for hours. But with the way his eyes are eating me up right now, we may never leave the apartment if I let him progress this any further.
“Thank you. You look handsome too.”
“Can we just skip tonight and stay here and fuck?” He teases.
“You were the one who invited me and said you wanted to introduce me to your friends. We can fuck later, I promise.” I slip my tongue between his lips just slightly before withdrawing and reaching for my purse.
“God, you’re a tease. Just know that while you’re having conversations with all of my friends, I’ll be contemplating all the dirty things I’m going to do to you later.”
My body comes alive with heat. “Can’t wait.”
After we hop in Cash’s truck and settle inside, we make our way to Cooper and Clara’s house.
“Okay, so I met Cooper on our date. But I feel like I need more info before we arrive.”
Cash chuckles. “Alright. Well, Cooper and I work together, that’s how I met him. He’s seriously one of the most genuine guys I know and a smartass like me, hence why we get along. Clara is his fiancé, who is also his sister’s best friend. They dated in secret for a while before they finally came clean to everyone, which wasn’t without its drama, believe me.”
“I can imagine.”
“You’ll meet Cooper’s sister tonight, Olivia, who everyone calls Liv, and her fiancé, Kane. They just had a baby back in July, a little girl named Evelyn, and she is fucking adorable. I’m pretty sure she’ll be there tonight. Clara just wanted to have everyone over for dinner. It wasn’t specified that it was adults only.”
“Aw, do you like babies, Cash?” I tease him, but secretly want to know what his thoughts are on the subject.
“Yeah, kids are cool. I actually prefer babies though, believe it or not. They’re so small and need so much protection. And I love making them laugh.”
“Most men are scared of babies, though.”
“Yeah, not me, I guess. Do you, uh… do you want children someday?” He tilts his head at me now, waiting for my answer.
“Absolutely. A family is something I’ve always wanted with the right person, of course.”
Cash grins but says nothing in response, which freaks me out until I feel him slow down and pull into the driveway of a beautiful grey and white house with a porch that overlooks the entire yard of green grass and flowers. He leans over in his seat and gives me a kiss. “You’d make a great mom someday.”
Suddenly visions of having a family with Cash fill my mind, and the pictures are so clear, it takes my breath away.
“We’re here,” he says as he shifts in park. “This is Clara’s house and Cooper moved in here about a month ago.”
“It’s beautiful. I’m not going to lie though, Cash. I’m really nervous.”
He reaches for my hand and caresses the top with his thumb. “Don’t be. They’re going to love you. Just be the snarky, strong, and intelligent woman you’ve always been. You’ll fit right in,” he winks before exiting the truck.
“Snarky?” I say as he comes around to my side and opens my door.
“Sorry to break it to you, sweetheart… but yeah, you’re snarky.” He wrinkles his nose at me and then places a sweet kiss on my lips.
“Ugh! I have been dying to meet you since I saw you slap this guy across the face!” Clara shouts in excitement as soon as she opens the door and sees who has arrived at the house. “Come in! Come in! Welcome. You must be Piper?”
I instantly like her. She seems like a blast and very honest. “Yes. You must be Clara?”
“The one and only. Coop!” She calls behind her. “Cash and Piper are here.” Cooper comes around the corner holding two beers in his hands and nods his head in Cash’s direction. “Welcome, man. Beer?”
“Just one. I’m driving. Cooper, you remember, Piper,” he gestures to me as I wave awkwardly.
“Yup. I can’t believe you’re still putting up with this guy.”