Page 50 of Captivated

“Have a good day, sweetheart.”

“You too. Be careful,” she palms my cheek and then kisses me once more.


I turn to leave, making my way over to my truck parked in the parking lot of her complex. While cranking the engine, I can’t help but notice a black sedan parked on the street—an expensive car that looks very out of place in a neighborhood like this, let alone in Emerson Falls. The windows are tinted jet black, so you can’t see inside—but just the sight of that car doesn’t sit well with me.

I shake off my paranoia, but can’t help but think that maybe I should keep an eye out around town a little more closely. I am a deputy, after all. It is my job to protect and serve—and now there’s a person in my life I want to protect more than anything.

Chapter 19


“I’m so freaking nervous,” I say while brushing mascara on my lashes. My phone rests on the counter in my bathroom on speaker, Rachel listening intently on the other side of the line as I get ready for the dinner at Cooper’s house. Cash will be here within the hour to pick me up, and I’ve already filled her in on the developments in our relationship and the mind-blowing sex. She’s thrilled for me and my vagina.

“Why? Do you not like his friends?”

“No, it’s not that. I’ve only met Cooper, and he seemed genuine. I could see why he and Cash are close. But it’s the questions, Rachel… when you meet new people, all the questions come out.”

“Well, you’ve been able to dodge big topics with Cash and most everyone else you’ve met so far. Just stick to what you’ve told people already and try not to stress.”

I stick the wand back in the tube and then reach for my blush. Rubbing the brush across the powder, I move to swipe the color along my cheekbones while taking deep breaths to calm my nerves.

“I’m gonna try. But even now that Cash and I are officially seeing each other, I feel like at a certain point, he will want to know even more. I don’t know how much I can share without jeopardizing my safety. Did I tell you my parents got another letter?”

“What? No!” Rachel shouts.

“Yeah. Mason has gone missing and never paid his remaining debt. My parents are being blackmailed to paying his balance in lieu of them coming after me. I just don’t see why after all of these months, they’re threatening my family again.”

“Something must have happened with Mason. After you left, a shit storm ensued with him and his family, but then all of a sudden everything was fine. But like you said, I haven’t seen him in a few months…”

I plug in my hair straightener and wait for it to heat up. “My mom is freaked out. She’s been making me text her every day to check in. And I’m not gonna lie, Rachel. I feel like I’m being watched.”

The inkling of someone keeping eyes on me has only grown since I ran into that man in the hospital. It’s been over a week, but I swear, I can feel someone studying me around town. The last time I felt it was at Skye’s Creations yesterday when I stopped in to get that caramel delight coffee that Cash has me addicted to now. Of course, the woman who came up to warn me about Cash took most of my focus after that.

“It won’t last. He only strings women along for sex. Once he gets tired of you, he’ll move on. We all thought we could change him, but he won’t ever change. You’d be smart to get out now,” the brunette spat at me while I waited for my drink. Apparently news of our relationship and being seen together around town has drawn out the trolls.

“Thank you for your concern, but I’m a big girl.”

She looked me up and down like she was sizing me up. “Suit yourself. Don’t say you weren’t warned.” With a spin on her heel, she left as quickly as she arrived and planted a small seed of doubt in my mind.

Women like that from Cash’s past were an obstacle I knew I would have to face—I just didn’t imagine they would be so brazen to address me in public like that.

I can’t judge Cash for his past though, as I knew it was a reason why I was hesitant to get involved with him in the first place—especially because I have a past and secrets that he knows nothing about that might make him think twice about getting involved with me too.

“You aren’t going places alone, are you?” Rachel pulls me back to the conversation as I start to curl my hair with the straightener. Yes, it’s a thing. Look it up—it will change your life.

“No, not really. Most places I go at night are work or somewhere with Cash. But believe me, my eyes are peeled.”

“God, Pfeiffer… just be careful, please.”

“I’m trying, with everything I have. So any more gossip about people back home?”

“Psh… how much time do you have?” She jokes and then fills me in on the latest cheating scandals, people going broke, and a new man that showed up at the country club that she’s finding quite intriguing.

“Okay, well, I’ve got to go. Cash will be here any minute.”

“Alright. I love you, Pfeiffer. Watch your back, please,” she pleads.