“Oh, I don’t think it is. I think your new girlfriend should know just the sort of man you are. And I’m going to tell her, brother.” Stephen’s eyes glinted with malice, his gaze piercing Nate.
Nate’s fingers curled into fists again. His past was clawing its way back, threatening to destroy his future.
He wanted to launch himself across the table and choke his brother for this, but instead, he sat planted in his seat, wondering if this drama would bring about the end of his relationship.
Elena studied the smirking face of the man across from her at the dinner table. His haughty grin made it clear he believed he had the upper hand. She wanted to leap across the table and tell him he did not, but she sat primly, allowing the Kingsleys to manage their own son.
With a sigh, Charles rose from his seat. “Stephen, let’s step out for a private conversation, why don’t we?”
“I don’t think so, Dad. I don’t see what the big deal is. Nate’s done some crazy stuff. Is it wrong of us to warn his new girlfriend how dangerous he can be?”
“That’s enough, Stephen,” Victoria answered, her practiced poise cracking as she flung her napkin down and rose from her seat.
“Are we really going to hide Nate’s true self from her just so he doesn’t get his little heart broken all over again?” Stephen asked, his voice taunting.
“Let it go, Stephen,” Maddie said from her seat next to Nate.
Victoria shot her husband a wide-eyed glance that spoke volumes with hidden meaning.
“I’m sorry,” Elena said, allowing her voice to rise a little louder, “but perhaps I can settle this before it comes to anything more.”
All eyes turned to her, though she was used to pressure. It did little to bother her. “If you hope to give me a list of Nathan’s misdeeds, I’m afraid he’s beaten you to it. I do know what happened between you,” she said as she eyed Stephen before shifting her gaze to Chloe, “and you. So, there is really no need to air this at the dinner table.”
Nate reached for her hand under the table and squeezed it in silent gratitude.
Stephen stared at her as Chloe glared in her direction. “Oh, really?” he asked. “He told you that he accused me of mismanaging funds in a desperate attempt to try to take over the family business?”
“Stephen, that’s enough,” Charles boomed.
“Yes, he has. And he’s also told me about his drinking. So, if you hope to embarrass him in front of me, your plan will not work. Now, may we put the matter to rest?” Elena asked.
“Wow, what kind of piece of work are you that you’d want him after that?”
“Let it go, Stephen, their relationship is none of your business,” Victoria answered as she eased into her seat, shooting Elena an appreciative smile.
“You know what,” Stephen said as he rose and tossed his napkin into what remained of his soup, “let’s get out of here, Chloe. I’ve lost my appetite.”
The blonde frowned but rose from her seat to follow himout of the room.
Charles slid back into his chair with a huff, shaking his head as he shot his wife a pointed look.
“Ellie, I am so very sorry about that scene,” Victoria confessed with a penitent expression.
“It’s nothing to apologize for, Mrs. Kingsley,” Elena answered with a reassuring smile. “Families can be tricky at times.”
“You handled it so well, Ellie,” Maddie answered.
Victoria nodded as she squeezed Elena’s hand. “You did. But you shouldn’t have had to. You are a guest in our home. You weren’t invited here to referee a sparring match between my sons.”
“Quite all right,” Elena answered. “I told Nathan earlier that my family has its own issues, as do all families. So, it is nothing to worry over.”
“You’re very kind,” Victoria said with another smile. “Well, let’s continue with our meal, shall we?”
The remainder of the dinner went smoothly with lighter conversation. As they left the dining room behind for after-dinner drinks, Victoria slid her arm through Elena’s tugging her away from Nate.