“I really must apologize again for my son’s behavior earlier.”
“Oh, please, Mrs. Kingsley, think nothing of it. I realize there is some tension between Nathan and Stephen. And with his dinner companion, that was made even worse.”
Victoria sucked in a breath as she shook her head. “I am very sorry for that, too. Had I realized who he planned to bring…”
Elena smiled at the woman, squeezing her arm. “It is not your fault. I appreciate the apology, but it’s really not necessary.”
“Well, that is very kind of you. After spending the day with you, I can see why my son adores you so much.”
Elena’s smile broadened, and color rose in her cheeks. “Now, it is you who are too kind.”
They entered the living room, and Elena rejoined Nate on the couch.
“Everything okay?” he asked.
“Yes,” she answered as Charles delivered her and Nate a ginger ale.
“So, Nate, I understand you’re asking Ellie to the gala coming up?” Charles asked.
Ellie’s brow furrowed at the words as the fizzy liquid bubbled on her tongue. “Gala?”
She shifted her questioning gaze to Nate.
“Yeah,” he said with a chuckle as he slid his arm around her. “I hadn’t mentioned it yet. But my family hosts a big charity event, and I’d love you to be my date.”
Her initial excitement at the invitation quickly faded, replaced by a knot of dread that settled into the pit of her stomach. The prospect of stepping into a public sphere where her royal identity could be exposed terrified her. “Charity event?”
“Yes, we host it annually for breast cancer awareness,” Victoria said with a smile. “I promise no drama.”
“Uh, unless someone gets plastered like they did last year and knocks the decorations over again,” Maddie said.
Victoria fluttered her eyelashes as she shot her daughter a glance before returning her gaze to Elena. “Maybe limited drama.”
Elena chuckled, hoping her nervousness didn’t show through. “Oh, it sounds…just lovely. I’d have to check my schedule…”
Victoria narrowed her eyes at Elena.
“It’s Friday night. You don’t have another date, do you?” Nate askedwith a chuckle.
She offered him another nervous laugh. “Certainly not, I just…”
“Ellie, can I have a private word with you?” Victoria asked as she rose and set her sherry glass down.
Elena’s stomach twisted into a knot as she set her glass aside, any amusement sliding off her features. “Certainly.”
Her heart thudded against her ribs as Victoria looped her arm through Elena’s and led her into the hall.
Elena shifted her weight from foot to foot as Victoria faced her. “Is there a problem, Mrs. Kingsley?”
“I think there is,” Victoria said with a nod.
Elena fluttered her eyelashes as she waited for the woman to continue.
“Ellie, if you’re worried about a dress, I’d love to have you come shopping with Maddie and I. It’ll be fun. And our treat.”
Ellie swallowed hard. She hadn’t been concerned about a gown, but rather being found out. But she couldn’t refuse the lovely offer that had just been made. She plastered a smile onto her face. “Oh, Mrs. Kingsley, what a generous offer…”
“It’s not generous, Ellie. Nate really wants you to be there. We all do, actually. And if you’re unsure about the gown, I’d be happy to help.”