“Mom, everything okay?”
She nodded. “May I come in?”
He stepped back and motioned for her to enter before heslid the door closed again. “Is it Ellie? She’s still coming to dinner, right?”
“She is,” Victoria said with another smile before she eased into an armchair. “I’m sure Maddie is probably visiting her now while she changes.”
Nate perched on the edge of the adjacent chair, rubbing his shaky hands together. His mother had spent the afternoon with his girlfriend. What had she assessed? Had she liked her? Hated her?
She’d been the first person to caution him about Chloe, suggesting he take things slower with the woman. But he’d plowed ahead, convinced what his then-girlfriend had told him.She’s jealous. I’ve captured her son’s attention, and she doesn’t like it.
Chloe’s ridiculous words echoed in his head as he tried to form his question about Ellie, wondering if he wanted to know the answer or not.
“So, what did you think? Of Ellie, I mean?” he finally mustered.
Victoria raised her eyebrows, sucking in a breath before she spoke. “What do you think of her?”
Nate offered her a nervous smile as he flicked his gaze to the ceiling. “I…asked you first.”
“And you are the one who is dating her. I want to know how that’s going.”
Nate shrugged. “I wouldn’t have asked you for your opinion on her if it was going badly.”
“You told me at the benefit that you had pretty strong feelings for her. Does that mean what I think it means?” Victoria asked.
He swallowed hard, unwilling to meet her gaze. “Probably.”
Victoria bobbed her head up and down. “You’re thinking of askingher to marry you.”
Nate finally shifted his gaze to his mother. “I’m more than thinking about it.”
She widened her eyes. “You bought a ring?”
“I did,” he said as he dug into his pocket and pulled out the box. “But I want your opinion first. I don’t want to make the same mistake I did with Chloe.”
“Nate, if you bought a ring, I think you’re pretty set on this choice.”
“I just…I am, but I’m also willing to listen. I didn’t with Chloe. That was a huge mistake. So, if you think this is a terrible choice…I’ll hold off or…not do it at all.”
His mother pressed her lips together into a tiny smile as she reached forward to rub his forearm. “I don’t think it’s a terrible choice.”
His heart lifted as a grin spread across his features. “Really?”
“She is very nice, Nate. I can’t pick your spouse for you, but I don’t see any red flags. Nothing like I saw with Chloe.”
He huffed out a sigh of relief, staring at the ring box as he celebrated the small win. “Whew, good.”
“She seems very genuine. She seems to very much like you for you. Not to mention she is very well-mannered. It’d be a breeze to fit her into our social lives.” His mother held out a hand. “But don’t marry her because I like her. You have to do that for you.”
“Believe me, I am. I…more than like her. But…”
Nate tightened his fingers around the ring box again.
“Nate, if you have some reservations, maybe you should slow down. This isn’t a race to the altar, you know.”
He shook his head. “I don’t have reservations about her…I think I screwed up the ring choice. Now, I’m afraid she’ll hate it. Or say no because of it.”