“Can I see it?”
He nodded as he cracked open the box and held it out, chewing his lower lip as he studied it. “I went with–“
“An emerald. Like her eyes. She’ll love it,” Victoria said.
The smile spread across his face again. “Do you think?“
Victoria nodded as she grinned at him. “I do. Oh, Nate, I like her so much more than the last one.”
“You know, I never realized how differently I acted with Chloe around. How much I wasn’t myself because I was constantly trying to impress her. With Ellie, it’s effortless. I’m just…myself.”
“That’s important,” Victoria said as she patted his hand. “You’re going to spend a long time with her.”
“Hopefully, the rest of our lives,” Nate answered, raising his chin as his smile broadened. He snapped the ring box closed and crossed to his dresser to hide it inside.
“Can I take that to mean you aren’t asking her tonight?” Victoria said as she rose and adjusted the hem on her dress.
Nate nodded. “I was thinking the gala we’re hosting at the end of the week. If you thought she was a good match, I was going to invite her tonight. I thought it would be nice for pictures.”
“I think that would be great. I’ll make sure the photographer sticks around for engagement photos at the end of the night,” she said as she rose and closed the distance between them.
“So, you think it’ll be a good turnout, huh?”
Victoria rubbed his arms. “I do. I think she’ll say yes. You seem to mean as much to her as she does to you. And she didn’t even flinch when your sister asked how many kids you’d be having.”
Nate shook his head, an amused expression on his face. “She didn’t? I can’t believe Maddie asked that. Probably because she may or may not have knownabout the ring.”
“Mm-hm,” Victoria said with a coy smile. “So, you told your sister before your mother.”
“You know how Maddie is. I texted her a picture of two rings. She helped me pick.”
“Well, she did a good job.” Victoria pulled him into a tight embrace. “I’m so happy for you.”
“Thanks, Mom.”
Victoria took a step toward the door when Nate called her back. “Hey, Mom?”
“Yeah?” she asked.
“How many kids did she say?”
“Two,” Victoria answered with a smile. “See you downstairs.”
“Two,” Nate repeated as he smiled into space, imagining a boy and a girl. He hoped they’d be close like he was with his sister. He dug into the drawer for the ring box, eyeing the engagement ring one more time.
His life was coming together. Not long ago, he wondered if he’d ever be happy again. And now, he was happier than he ever could have imagined.
In a matter of days, he could be ecstatic, pondering whether she would prefer to marry in the United Kingdom or have the ceremony here. He didn’t care either way. It would be enough to know they were going to spend the rest of their lives together.
He placed the ring box back in the drawer and slid it shut before he left his room behind and made his way down to the living room.
His father sipped his bourbon as he stared out the window. Charles twisted as Nate entered the room. “There you are. I was wondering if I was going to be alone tonight despite this being a family dinner.
“I was talking to Mom.”
“Oh, right. She’s quite enamored with your new girl,” Charles said as he settled into an armchair.
“So am I. What do you think?” Nate asked.