That was it, no other details.
“Ruby’s trying to trace it,” Angel informed him, “and she’s reported all of this to SAPD.”
“Jesep’s not going to like that,” Victoria remarked. “He’d want to handle this in-house.”
“Yeah, I’ll bet he’d like that,” Presley grumbled. That way he could try to contain the bad press. “What happens in a situation like this? I’m assuming there’s a security cam feed of anyone going in and out of the vault?”
Victoria nodded. “There is. Ari and Jesep were getting that from the security company when I sneaked out of the house.” She paused, her bottom lip trembling a little before she steadied it. “I’m afraid of what Jesep might do.”
Presley latched right onto that. “Are you worried for your safety?”
She took her time responding, which in a way was an answer in itself. “I’m worried who he’ll blame for this.”
Presley figured Jesep would point the finger at any and every one in order to take the heat off himself. Something like this could destroy the reputation of his company.
“I’m assuming the diamonds are insured?” Presley asked as Billie came back carrying the small pouch.
“They are for the full appraised value,” Joe verified.
Billie opened the pouch, spilling out the contents onto the coffee table. The sunlight sparked off the stones, sending rainbow prisms around the room.
All five of them leaned in for a closer look, but Presley had no idea if these were fakes or the real deal. Before he could ask Joe his opinion, there was another of those sharp beeping sounds from the security system.
“Security, monitor on,” Presley instructed.
The painting above the fireplace faded, and in its place was the feed from one of the cameras. Presley immediately spotted the silver Mercedes making its way toward his house.
“Olivia,” Victoria muttered, getting to her feet. Presley both saw and heard the nerves in her voice and expression. “I haven’t spoken to her since she learned I gave birth to her,” she added under her breath.
So, this might turn into some kind of venting session. Presley couldn’t blame Olivia for needing something like that. Once this investigation was over and done, he might vent as well. He would certainly need to try to come to terms with it anyway.
The Mercedes came to a stop, and Olivia immediately stepped out. She looked at the house, but then her attention shot in the direction of the road. So did the security camera when it obviously detected some motion there, and Presley soon saw another vehicle. A sleek red Porche.
“That’s Ari’s car,” Victoria muttered.
The Porche was speeding, and it braked to a screeching stop directly behind Olivia’s Mercedes. Ari bolted from the vehicle, his attention nailed to his sister.
“Where are the fuckin’ diamonds?” Ari shouted, whipping up his hand. Not empty. He was holding a Glock. “What the hell have you done with them?”
And he aimed the gun directly at Olivia.
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Chapter Eighteen
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Billie heard Olivia shriek, and on the monitor, she watched as Olivia ducked down behind her still-opened car door. Unfortunately, the woman didn’t get down nearly far enough since her head was visible through the window.
Ari had a clean shot if he wanted to take it.
And with the rage tightening every muscle in his face, he certainly seemed on the verge of pulling the trigger.
Cursing, Billie drew her gun. Presley did the same, and with both of them moving, he made it to the door a step ahead of her. Angel was right behind them with his own weapon drawn and ready.
“This could be a setup,” Angel grumbled. “Olivia could be trying to lure you out so that Ari can shoot you.”
That had already occurred to Billie. And Presley had apparently already gone there as well because he opened the door only a fraction. Since Billie wouldn’t be able to personally see either Olivia or Ari from where she was standing, she continued to watch the monitor.