“Victoria wanted to come,” Angel was quick to volunteer, “and she asked me to pick up Joe along the way. Olivia is on her way here, too.”
Presley did a whole lot of silent cursing. While he trusted Victoria and Joe, he couldn’t say the same for his bio-sister. He’d be using the scan on her as well.
“Jesep and Ari don’t know we’re here,” Victoria let them know. “At least I don’t believe they do.”
Presley was betting either Ari or Jesep had Victoria under surveillance so, yeah, they would likely be aware of where she was.
And who she was with.
How the devil would Jesep react to his wife being with her teenage lover, the father of her children? Presley figured Jesep wouldn’t be pleased about that, especially since he’d never wanted Olivia’s parentage to even come to light. Still, there was that sort of pre-nup so Jesep could use the mere fact that Victoria was with Joe to get a chunk of her estate.
And divorce her.
He didn’t think Victoria would object to that now that Olivia knew the truth about being her biological mom. But Jesep almost certainly wouldn’t make a divorce easy on her.
“Security, rearm full system,” Presley instructed, motioning for them to follow Billie and him into the living room. “Anyone want anything to drink?” he asked, and all three declined.
“All right,” Presley added. “Tell me why you’re here.”
And he truly hoped it wasn’t so they could hash out their personal relationship with him. Presley wasn’t ready to go there just yet.
“I overheard Jesep and Ari talking about an hour ago. The Marbury collection of diamonds is missing,” Victoria blurted as she took a seat on the sofa.
“Shit,” Presley spat out. “How the hell did that happen?”
Another headshake from Victoria. “I’m not sure. But they were in full panic mode when I left the estate with Angel. Apparently, the co-owners of the collection sent someone to verify the safety of the stones after they got an anonymous tip that the diamonds were missing. When Jesep had someone open the vault, the diamonds were indeed gone.”
“Who has access to the safe?” Presley couldn’t ask fast enough.
Victoria’s forehead bunched up while she considered that. “Jesep, Ari, Olivia, and any of their PAs. The security staff, too. Oh, and the appraisers.”
So, way too many people, which meant there was ample opportunity for someone to steal them. Well, ample opportunity for an inside job, that is.
Victoria glanced at Joe who took up the explanation. “I’m part owner of the collection,” Joe said. “And I got the anonymous tip.”
Presley definitely hadn’t seen that coming. “Why didn’t that info about your ownership come to light earlier?”
“I’m not the primary owner,” Joe spelled out. “There are a total of four owners, and I only have a six percent share.” His gaze met Presley’s. “And, yes, Jesep could have possibly known about that. Maybe Ari and Olivia, too.”
Presley tried to focus in on what this might mean. Were the diamonds the reason that Victoria had been kidnapped? If they were missing because they’d been stolen, then maybe Jesep could claim the diamonds were given as ransom to save Victoria.
Billie turned to Presley. “You think the fake diamonds could be the real ones?” she whispered.
He couldn’t imagine a mistake like that being made, but the look he gave Billie must have let her know it was possible.
“I’ll get them from the SUV,” Billie volunteered, heading in the direction of the door that led to the garage.
“Does Jesep know you’re my bio-father?” Presley had to ask Joe while they waited for Billie to return.
Joe shrugged. “I didn’t think so, but it’s possible that Victoria’s parents mentioned my name to him.”
“Or Jesep could have done some digging to find out,” Victoria added. “He might have done that so he’d be aware of Olivia’s DNA and medical background.”
True, and if Jesep knew, so could Ari.
“This is the text I got,” Joe took out his phone and handed it to Presley. “It came from an unknown number.”
Check your diamonds ’cause they ain’t there.