“You can’t sneak into my bed like this,” I hiss, shifting to the edge of the bed.
“I told you I wasn’t sleeping on that couch!” she bites out, stretching before she gets up.
“You’re insufferable.” I stand, grab a T-shirt from my dresser, then slide on some sweats.
“Okay,Mr. Snuggled Me All Night Long. I started on the opposite side of the mattress and somehow got pulled into your arms, so that’s on you.”
Once I’m dressed, I turn and face her. “You better plant your ass on that couch where you belong. You’re the one who told Aspen she could have the cottage, now you can deal with the consequences.”
“Are you kidding me? This same conversation again?” she shouts. Oakley looks like she’s ready to throw her fist in my face. “For the last time, I was trying to help your sorry ass! Something I’m seriously regretting!” She huffs and turns to walk away, then pivots and adds, “Should’ve let you make a fool of yourself and told her the truth. Maybe I’ll tell her today and put myself out of my misery.”
Before I can respond—and beg her not to do that very thing—a loud knock rattles on the door, startling us. Instead of dealing with Oakley, I flee downstairs and open the door.
“Aspen,” I say, defeated that I’m once again facing my ex. “What are you doing here so early?”
Oakley walks up behind me, wrapping her arm around my waist and closing the gap between us. When I glance down, she smiles wide like we weren’t at each other’s throats two seconds ago.
She’s in character,I remind myself.
“Good morning to you, too. I see you’re still not a morning person. Anyway, I was hoping we could catch up and grab some coffee. I’d love to hear about how the farm’s been doing.”
Before I can tell her no fucking thank you, Oakley speaks up. “We’d love to! Neither of us got a lot of sleep last night, so we need our caffeine. Right, sweetums?”
Swallowing hard, I wish I could curse her out for not only volunteering us but also for giving me a ridiculous nickname. Instead, I cave and wrap an arm around her.
“Definitely.” Then I meet Aspen’s eyes that were on Oakley. “Meet you there in twenty?”
Aspen straightens her posture and forces the corners of her lips to tilt up. “Great. I’ll save two seats.”
Oakley leans into my side, and I hate how much I enjoy her closeness. She’s so damn inviting, yet as soon as she opens her mouth, I want to shut her up with my tongue.
Waking up with a boner is one thing and not all that uncommon, but fantasizing about kissing Oakley is something I need to erase from my brain. As hard as it will be, I need to keep my distance when we aren’t pretending to be a couple.
As soon as Aspen turns to leave, I shut the door and face Oakley. “What the hell were you thinking? I don’t want to be around her, especially withyou.”
She winces as if I’ve slapped her across the face.
“Wait, no. That came out wrong. I—” I pause to gather my thoughts, scrubbing a hand through my messy hair. “I don’t want her asking more questions or knowing anything about my life.”
“Well, if we’re going to fake it, we have to be believable. Dodging her could make her suspicious versus sticking to a story.”
I cross my arms. “We don’t have astory.”
She shrugs as if she’s not worried about it. “I’ll make up something. Go along with it.”
Yeah, sure. That sounds like a recipe for disaster.
“Go along with it?” I repeat, knowing that won’t work.
“Stop worrying. Don’t make it a big deal.”
“Until the whole damn town finds out.”
“If I can hate your guts and be your fake girlfriend at the same time, you can do the same. Act the opposite of how you are now—sweet, charming, and lovable.” She flashes a snarky smile, and her quick insult almost has me bursting into laughter.Instead, I shake my head and climb the stairs to my room to get dressed.
After thirty minutes of nonstop touching Oakley and avoiding most of Aspen’s personal questions over coffee, we escape the inn. With Oakley’s hand in mine, we leave and head toward my truck.
“See, that wasn’t so bad. She clearly wants to see you happy, so I don’t know what you’re so worried about.”