You need to show him that you won’t back down when it comes to your job. Then remind him again that he chose this. He made his bed, and now he has to share it, HA!
I snort at her analogy.
Maybe you’re right.
I contemplate it.
Well…Everett says you shouldn’t do it. But I’m your sister, and I know what’s best. Quality sleep is more important than pissing off this guy.
I’ll think it over and will update you if he kicks me to the hills.
Great! Good night. Get some rest.
I open my sketchbook and glance over what I have, trying to fully visualize the scene. The fence and structures, the pond and blue skies—it’s as vibrant in my memory as it is in real life. I quickly add more to the drawing, then decide to let it marinate until morning.
I happily text Tiernan and tell her I’ve finalized my idea.
Did you go up there yet?
No. I’m going now. Wish me luck ;)
You’ve got this, sis. Be quiet like a mouse!
I flick off the kitchen light and stumble my way in the dark past the couch. Quietly, I listen for noise at the bottom of the stairs. I focus so hard that I swear I can hear him breathing from down here.
A shot of adrenaline rushes through me as I take the first step and then the second. Halfway up, one of the steps creaks so loud, I nearly jump out of my skin. I stop and listen for rustling but only silence lingers.
When I make it to the top of the loft, I freeze. Finn is under the comforter with his back toward me. It’s now or never.
I tiptoe across the small space to his bed, hoping no more boards yell in the darkness, then carefully slide underneath thecovers. My eyes feel heavy as I sink into the perfect mattress. Before I can think another thought or worry about what Finn will do, I drift asleep.
The warmthof a soft body molded to my chest has me blinking my eyes open in confusion. I look down and see Oakley’s hair sprawled around her face. My erection presses against the lower dip of her back. My body’s obviously confused as hell. It’s the only reason my arm is tightly wrapped around her waist, holding her like she’s my lifeline.
My head finally catches up, and I push away from her.
“Oakley,” I grind out, adjusting myself. “What the fuck are you doing in my bed?”
“What?” she mutters in a sleepy voice, barely moving. “It’s too early for one of your tantrums.”