I love how much she misses him. I’m sure if I was home and he was here alone, I would feel the same way she does right now.
“Mackenzie says she misses you,” I tell Oliver while she’s still on the phone.
He smiles and holds out his hand for me to give it to him. I do and can’t stop staring at him or even move to start breakfast. I am locked in on what’s going to happen next.
“Hey, Kenzie,” he says in a deep tired voice.
I can’t hear what she’s saying because she’s not on speaker but every nod of Oliver’s head with, what I assume, is her talking a mile a minute has my heart beating wildly in my ribs.
“That sounds like a fun day,” he tells her. Another pause as he listens to her. “I miss you too. I’m going to hold you to that promise for that hug. It better be the biggest one ever.” He smiles at whatever she replies with.
He’s not even looking at me and I suddenly feel like I’m invading a private conversation between them.
There’s another long pause and Oliver’s eyes travel from the ground to mine. His gaze burns a hole right to my core.
“I love you more, Kenzie,” he says it to her but his eyes are on me.
My breath catches in my throat and I feel like I can’t breathe.Those words. He loves her. I know he told me this morning that he did, but to hear him tell her is so different.
I have to snap myself out of it with a small shake of my head as I turn around and make myself busy. I completely forget what I’m even doing here because he’s thrown me so off guard.
“Okay. We’ll call you later,” Oliver tells her, and I hear the phone being placed back on the counter.
Don’t get emotional. Don’t cry. It’s okay.
I hear him move before I feel him standing behind me. His large body takes up the air I breathe and everything stays stuck in my lungs.
“My shirt looks good on you,” he says softly into my ear.
The back of his fingers feather down my neck, from my shoulder to the lower curve of my back. I shiver under his touch and everything from last night comes flooding back, sending a wave of desire to the sensitive spot between my legs.
“It was all I could find on the floor in our pile of mess,” I choke out.
I hear him let out a chuckle under his breath. “How are you feeling?” he asks.
I take a deep breath before I turn around to look at him. I’m unsure how I’m feeling, especially after learning how much he loves my daughter and the night we just had.
“Perfect.” I force a fixed smile.
“You’re not sore? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
My muscles finally relax as my hands skate around his neck and I press up to my toes to kiss him. Oliver’s large arms circle my waist, pulling me into him. I want to live in this moment with him. I never want to stop being in his arms and connected in some way shape or form.
I pull back from the kiss. “I’m a little sore, but you didn’t hurt me. You could never hurt me.” The last line comes out softer than the first two.
“I’m glad you know that.” Oliver leans in for another quick kiss. “Because I don’t ever intend to. I want to spend the rest of my days worshiping you. But fuck… your body. The way you move with me. The way your body reacts to mine. The way you take control. I can’t help but get carried away in the moment with you. So if I ever get too rough, you have to tell me.”
“And I love it.” I cup his face between my hands. “Don't stop doing any of that.”
“Macey, I…” He stops himself, shaking his head like he wanted to say something but decided against it instead.
I’m not sure I’m ready for it myself. Not until I talk to Mackenzie.
Plus, I heard how he tells someone he loves them, and I’m going to end up putty right here on this kitchen floor.
“Let’s have breakfast. Even though you ruined it for me.”
Oliver takes a step back and barks out a laugh pointing to his chest. “I ruined it?”