Page 133 of That First Flight

“I really do, babe. I’ve told you before, but in case you forgot”—he offers me a beaming smile—“she’s a part of you. What’s not to love?”

The tears cascade down my cheek and he quickly wipes them away. “That means a lot to me.”

I love youis on the tip of my tongue.

I want to tell him, but I just don’t know how.

We must have fallen back asleep because I wake again when my stomach rumbles.

I glance over at the small clock on the nightstand to see that it’s already nine in the morning. I slowly untangle my feet from our web to sneak out of the bed and get breakfast started.

Oliver spoiled me in the bedroom last night. Multiple times. Then he listened to me get emotional before the sun was even awake. So it’s my turn to spoil him the best way I know how—with breakfast in bed.

As soon as my feet hit the floor, I feel the soreness from last night in every part of me.

My arms, my legs, my vagina…everything is perfectly sore in the best way possible.

But I already want more of it. Oliver has successfully turned me into a sex-crazed fiend. But only for him.

I scan the floor to try and find my clothes, but everything is tossed all over the place. The first thing I spot is his white button down shirt that he wore to dinner last night and decide that’s what I’m wearing.

Since he’s significantly larger than me in height, it hangs like a dress on me.

Just as I enter the little kitchen, I can hear my phone buzzing on the counter. In the midst of my Oliver-induced haze, I forgot for a minute that I have a child back at home who might need me.

My stomach sours that I was so negligent with my phone when I see it’s Mackenzie.

“Hey, babe,” I answer quickly.

“Good morning, Mom!” She beams.

I chuckle at her enthusiasm. “How are you doing? Are you having fun with Peyton?”

“Oh my god, so much fun, Mom. It rained like all day yesterday so we made blanket forts in the living room! It was massive. James and I ate popcorn under it and then we got to order pizza for dinner. It was the best time ever.”

“That sounds so fun,” I say as I pad around the kitchen to find things to make for breakfast. Oliver had a few groceries delivered while we were gone yesterday to get us by for our short stay.

“How’s your trip?” she asks.

“It’s good. Oliver got his work done and we’re just planning to relax today before our flight back.”

“Can you bring me a souvenir?”

“Already got you something while we were exploring the town yesterday.”

“You’re the best!” Mackenzie shrieks.

I pull a pan out of the cabinet to make some scrambled eggs, but the pan that was on top of it falls which causes a loud bang.

“What was that?” Mackenzie asks in my ear.

“Sorry. I’m pulling out a pan to make some eggs for us this morning and another one just fell.”

I hear the door to the bedroom creek open and turn to see Oliver emerge. He’s sleepy eyed and wearing nothing but a pair of boxer briefs.

“Listen, babe. I’m going to make us some breakfast. My loud bang just woke up Oliver.” I laugh. “I should probably get the bear some food,” I joke.

“Tell Ollie I said hi and that I miss him.”