“Fine. But I’m not fighting any puppies.”
“Oh my God, Miss Snow. Drop it. No puppies. Dear Lord,” he took a breath. “Okay. Demons. Iron is what ultimately causes them the most harm from our weapons. Therefore, always keep a dagger, sword of some form, or knife on your person. Today we will begin training with weapons.”
“Do I need to use any specific weapon, or can I take my pick? Where do I get one? Because as far as I know there’s not a swordsmith anywhere around here considering we’re, you know, in the twenty-first century.”
He let out another sigh, once again shaking his head. “Miss Snow. This might be the twenty-first century but there are still swordsmiths out there,” he stepped to the pantry. “That being said, take your pick.” He blocked the inside of the pantry. There was a click.
I blinked and the wall moved. Exposing a whole other room filled to the brim with weapons. I got up from the island and tiptoed in behind Josh. My eyes widened, taking in the scene in front of me. Swords, daggers, guns. Weapons of anything one could imagine lined the walls. My mouth gaped. “Holy shit.”
Well, doesn’t this look all…stabby?
I peered at Josh out of the corner of my eye. “By the way, I don’t know if you realize this. But you sigh and shake your head like a disappointed parent. Like a lot.”
He mumbled, “It comes with the territory.”
I scoffed. “Of course it does.” I was astonished at the different blades that donned the walls. In the middle of the room was—what I assumed to be—anti-weaponry/bullet and fighting gear. Any lethal equipment you could think of was all held within the room. “What the hell is this place and why didn’t Seth tell me about it?”
I swear to all hell. If he keeps one more damn thing from me, I’m going to blow my top.
“I would assume that would be a better question to ask Seth. Rather than myself, who would only assume he withheld this information in an attempt to protect you. And if that were the case, as you can assume, I believe that you being aware is far more beneficial to your survival. As well as the humans at stake.”
Although I knew realistically that it would do nothing and Seth was more than likely passed out in his bed, I shot a glare in Seth’s direction at the likely implication of him doing exactly what Snooty Pants hinted at. I wouldn’t have put it past him.
“Okay, well. Assuming that you’re correct and Seth was attempting to shield me from this—for whatever idiotic, big brother complex reason he has—why areyoushowing me this room?”
Josh faced me. Assessing. “Truthfully, Miss Snow. I believe you have potential. That you very well may be ‘The Key’ to attaining these humans and have the power behind you to do what needs to be done.”
“Josh, I am flattered. That may be the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me,” I slapped my hand over my chest. “I’mtrulyhonored, oh all-knowing-mighty leader.”
He shot me a glare and I smirked in return. “I am not your leader, Miss Snow. That position falls to your beloved, Seth.”
I stammered, “He’s not my beloved. This isn’t the sixteen hundreds, old man.”
Josh turned his back to me once more, unfazed. “My apologies, once again, Miss Snow,” he waved me over. “Take a look at the blades available and choose what calls to you.”
I side eyed him. “Whatcallsto me? What is this? Some magical bullshit?”
“No, Miss Snow. The blades have a hum. Each unique, calling to different powers and auras. They have souls of sorts. Therefore, listen for the one that calls to you. You may use others, as Miss Libby or Derik have, but the weapon that fits you most, will call to you.”
I mumbled under my breath, “Sounds like a whole lot of magic mumbo-jumbo to me.”
I ran my fingers over the different swords and daggers that were laid along the shelves and walls in front of me, feeling eachone out, attempting to listen for one that ‘called’ to me, as Snooty Booty described. I grew frustrated.
How the fuck is this supposed to work?
Do one of these things just jump up and start rattling off some musical number?
“Ugh. I’m getting nothing, Josh.”
“Try closing your eyes, Miss Snow. And truly focus. Remove everything else from your mind and focus. Listen.”
I closed my eyes and evened out my breath. I let go of the thoughts of Seth, the weapons surrounding us, the Demons.
I reached further in. The little voice I had avoided in the back of my head, laughed at me. Taunted me with the fact that if I don’t get it together and get stronger then everyone will end up dead or worse.
If they die. It's my fault.
I suffocated the thought.