Not the time.
A hum began to vibrate within me. It grew, expanding to the top of my head and down to the pit of my stomach. It pulled me across the room and I followed. My arms lifted, searching for the source. Everything fell away. A bright orange hue appeared behind the lids of my eyes.
“You’ve come.” A melodic voice floated within my mind.
I squinted my closed lids. “Who are you?”
“I am yours.”
“Does that mean you are my weapon? The one that calls to my power?”
A flame appeared, forming from the orange aura in front of me. “Yes. We are one in the same.”
“What does that mean?”
“We are the flames. The flames that ignite in the realm surrounding us. Whether chaos or savior, the decision is up to us.”
A warmth caressed me, as if in a comforting embrace. “Now, we must find my sisters.”
“Sisters? Blades have sisters?”
“In our case, yes. And you must find them. There are two within this room. Take me into your warmth. Then listen. We will call to them together.”
I grabbed for the flame in front of me, vaguely feeling a sharp blade in my grasp.
“Concentrate. You must concentrate. Beyond my hum. And you will find them.” The voice hurried.
The hum emanating from within me thickened. The air around me closed in. I gripped the flame closer to my body.
“Keep going,” it whispered.
I honed in on the humming. Following it, my body moved forward. The energy pulled me towards itself, growing louder the closer I became.
“Here. We’re here. Sisters, it is us!” I heard twin voices ring between my eyes. I reached my hand forward, the other grasping the blade I’d gathered close to my chest. My fingers slid along two small blades. I pulled them into myself and the humming stopped as I drew them in. “Sister.” Echoed behind my lids.
My eyes fluttered open to find Josh staring at me, dumbfounded.
“What? Did I get coffee on me or chocolate chips from the granola bar somewhere?” I frantically began taking in my grease covered shirt from the night before, reminding myself how much of a mess I was.
And then I saw the blades. A long sword and two daggers, all cradled in my arms.
“Ah, well. Um. I guess I found my weapons?” I said to Josh, my voice pitched.
“Indeed, Miss Snow. It seems you have.”
Chapter thirty
Josh sent me to the bathroom to swap out my pajamas for a pile of black-on-black clothes he’d handed me, perfectly folded. I shook them out and found lined black leggings, a plain, black long sleeve, a zip up with padding in the chest area and stomach, sown in arm guards, and a strapping holster. Once I had the clothing ensemble on, I attempted to set the holster in place around my thigh and failed. I gave up after three tries and walked out to Josh.
“Okay, I think you gave me a holster made for the hulk or something because this thing is way too big for my thigh.” I waved it in the air.
Josh chuckled. “Miss Snow, that is not for your thigh. The holster I provided you rests on your back. You’ll sheath your long sword within it.”
“Well. Would’ve been nice to know that,” I pressed my lips together and worked to slide it on. “This still doesn’t feel right.”