Page 111 of Wings of Destiny

Miss Snow composed herself as she turned on her heel and stomped forward into the wooden abyss, Seth running after her and Miss Libby following closely behind. They remained within hearing distance. I kept to the back, sending my senses outward, listening to the creatures rummaging through the undergrowth, searching for a safe haven from the nightmares which littered the forest.

The forest fell silent as we reached the alcove, hidden off the side of the two-lane road. Miss Libby and Miss Snow stood to the rear. Seth leaned on the front of the vehicle, resembling every bit of an infantile canine with its tail between its legs; Miss Snow’s back to him, blatantly ignoring him.

This ought to be a rather quiet car ride.

I clicked the locking mechanism on the ring of keys in my pants pocket, unlocking the vehicle, allowing Miss Libby and Miss Snow to slip into the back seat, Seth to the front.

I strode calmly around the nose of the vehicle and situated myself into the driver’s seat, turning the key into the ignition, and pulling out onto the dirt road. “Shall we?”

Chapter forty


I avoided Seth until the end of the night. We all went back to his place; Derik was lounging around the living room when we walked in. The sunset streamed in from the kitchen windows, casting an array of reds, oranges, and purples throughout the open space, as it was the only light illuminating the house on the inside. Derik had greeted the four of us with a simple wave. Libby and I joined him, taking up spots on the floor. Josh stood to the left of the sofa and Seth hovered from the distance of the kitchen, moping.

Libby filled Derik in, unfortunately including the bit about me going off on Seth, before she lingered on the part about Derik having been sent on a hunting route slash protection duty; neither of them seeming to have the thought to let her know or have a buddy system in place, considering that’s what we’re supposed to do. Libby laid into Derik, leaving him in a similar state to Seth by the time she was finished.

I tacked onto the end of her verbal lashing, backing her up. “I swear, it’s like the two of you are trying to get yourselves killed.”I threw my hand in the air motioning between Derik and Seth, who had finally scurried his way to the living room, joining the rest of us. Josh had remained quiet, playing spectator. I eyed him.

“Josh, you know what, didyouknow anything about Derik’s little tracking detail? Where Seth decided to have Derik play secret bodyguard on my way to work?”

He met my narrowed stare. “Yes, I was aware, Miss Snow.”

Great. So all the guys were in on it.

We’re not fucking helpless, you assholes.

“And any reason as to why you weren’twithDerik? Or why Seth failed to tell me he had someone watching me?” I crossed my arms over my chest.

“I was occupied with other business matters at the time, my apologies. As for why he had not discussed it with you beforehand, I am unsure, Miss Snow.” Josh adjusted his button up, flicking a lingering piece of Demon flesh onto Seth’s hardwood floor.

Well. That’s probably going to leave a stain.

You know what? Good.

Seth’s mouth moved to chime in, and I turned my nose in the opposite direction. Silence followed until Derik came to his defense.

He reached for my shoulder and I yanked it out of range. “Erin, I get it, you’re peeved, but he didn’t say anything because he figured you’d fight it. And from the way you’re reacting, he was right. I get it you’re upset but get over it.”

My nostrils flared.

You don’t get it.

None of you do.

I met Derik’s eyes with a cold glare. “I may have fought it, but the fact remains that I’m not some weak individual that needs protecting. I will not have you guys literally out there riskingyour lives and ultimately the lives and safety of the people around here. The people we’re trying to protect and save, for me. I am nothing in the grand scheme of things. You pull shit like that, say something. Don’t leave me to figure it out by my super-powered hearing to pick up the fighting and gurgling of Demons’ having their throats ripped out on my way to campus. I was two seconds away from stampeding through the bushes when I heard you finish them off, Derik,” I boomed, my voice growing louder with each word. I took a steadying breath, trying to calm myself. My jaw clenched. “I am not worth that risk.”

My safety…my life is worth nothing.

Derik shot to his feet; his slate-blue eyes wild. “Oh my God, Erin. Get over it. Get over the whole ‘daddy abandonment’ issues. For fucks sake,” his fists clenched at his sides as his body shook. “We’re in this together. All of us. We’re not fucking going anywhere, Erin. Dead or alive. We may not have been around each other a whole lot until recently, but we fucking love you. We are a damn family, Erin.A fucking family. And family helps each other, no matter the fucking risks. So lay the fuck off of Seth. Give it a fucking break,” Libby went to his side, clutching his fist, and pulled him toward the front door, Josh only a step behind. The three of them left, the door slammed shut behind them, but not before I caught the tail end of Derik grumbling, “He cares about you more than you know.”

I sat there, dumbfounded. My mind, blank. I stared at the front door, long after they left.

I felt fabric weigh on my shoulders, breaking my trance. My bleary eyes looked up to see Seth draping a blanket over me. He sat down beside me, crossing his legs, his shoulder brushed against mine.

He let out a sigh, the pain within it mirrored that which ached within my chest. Seth brought his thumb to my chin. As he liftedit, his glistening, ocean-deep eyes locked with my simple grey-blues. He rasped, barely above a whisper, “Erin.”

My lip wobbled; a cry forced its way past my lips. Seth pulled me close, tucking me under his chin.