“It’s gonna be okay, baby,” Nicholas said gently as he wrapped his arm around her and tugged her close.
“We won’t let anything happen to you, princess.” She turned to look at me with huge, dilated eyes. My chest physically hurtseeing her like this. “I promise,” I added in a low, steady voice as I extended my pinky to her.
She looked between my face and finger a couple of times before pulling away from Nicholas and wrapping her pinky around mine. Hope filled her wet, green eyes as our bodies touched in that one small place, but it meant everything to her. I felt it.
Her eyes held mine, blinking fast as she smiled at me again, a blush rushing to her cheeks. A fire ignited in my veins, and my knees threatened to give out. I was so in over my head with this woman, but I’d happily go up in flames for her.
I was losing my grip, my control, and my will to keep away from her.
It was thrilling.
It was dangerous.
Chapter 23
We were met with a deafening silence as we entered the conference room.
All eyes were on us—on Lillian. She went noticeably stiff between me and my twin, a reaction that instantly put me on alert. I wanted to rip out the throats of all the old idiots daring to make her uncomfortable with their stares.
I hated being here. There was a reason Nicholas and I avoided this place, with its constricting walls, tall windows, and unbelievably shiny floors. It was a stifling place, just as the palace had always been. The stupendously long table housed three well-spaced chairs on each side. At the head of the table sat our father’s chair, which dwarfed the other seats in the room. A statement.
All the lords were in attendance, not that any of them would dare miss a meeting of our father’s—he’d killed people for less—but our father’s chair sat empty.
We followed Keir to the other end of the table, where a single, small plastic chair sat.
My brothers and I shot each other knowing looks. Our father did this on purpose. Intimidation was his greatest tool, especially in front of the council. It was clear he wanted to make Lillian feel insignificant and alone.
That wouldn’t happen with us around.
Keir snapped his fingers at one of the guards that stood along the wall. “Get us four cushioned chairs.”
The guard hesitated for a split second, almost as though he was considering telling Keir no. Luckily for him, he chose to listen, bowing his head and leaving the room to follow his orders. Our father was terrifying, but Keir had his own reputation here too. He’d shed his fair share of blood, and everyone knew that.
Nicholas looked at our girl and leaned into her ear. “We’ve got your back, baby. Do you need anything else? Something to eat? Drink?”
She shook her head.
I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her to my side, planting a kiss on the top of her head before resting my chin on the top of her head as I scoured the room with an intense glare, baring my teeth at any of the cowards who dared meet my stare.
“I swear you’re safe, little one. You have my word. You are untouchable here.” I felt her relax against my body.
The guard returned with our chairs, and my brothers set them up in a line at the end of the table. Keir practically kicked the tiny chair meant for our girl clear across the room before taking his seat at the end. Nicholas and I sat on either side of Lilly.
Right on cue, the doors swung open, and the lords stood. We remained seated, a united front.
Our father followed three of his bodyguards into the room. His nose wrinkled slightly as he saw us in ourfourcomfortable chairs, right where he’d expected to see her sitting all alone.
“Interesting…” was all he said before taking his seat at the head of the table, the lords following soon after. “Welcome, gentlemen,” he greeted his council with a gesture of hishand. “And a warm welcome to our guests,” he added with a patronizing smirk.
When he didn’t get a reaction out of us, though I could feel the mix of hatred, bitterness, and fear emanating from the three sitting next to me, he raised an eyebrow.
Was he expecting us to make a spectacle? Throw chairs, yell, and demand justice for Lillian? Probably. In fact, he was most likely hoping for it. That would be all he’d need to make things worse than they already were. We weren’t idiots.
“As you know, myspawns…” he deliberately avoided the word ‘sons’ and shot us a look as he feigned a disappointed expression, “found an open portal, and instead of coming to me with the joyous news,” he paused for emphasis, “they not only hid it but wentthroughit and brought back the human responsible for opening it. Now, do not worry. Their heinous crimes have been handled within the family—between father andson.”
I could see Lilly glance at us, questions burning behind her eyes, trying to figure out what our father may have meant by that. Keir took the blame—she knew that much—but she didn’t know that he single-handedly shouldered the punishment.