Page 53 of Their Demon

The anticipation for the council meeting clouded the air at breakfast the next morning. The meeting was held at my father’s building in the city, to determine the first trial. He’d ‘graciously’ given me the day off to be with my ‘pet’.

Last night, the flat was noisy. Clearly, the night's objective was to distract Lillian from the looming gloom of today. It must’veworked. Her satisfied moans filled the halls, invading every corner of the flat and my mind.

I could picture her under the twins, writhing as she came for them over and over. The pangs of jealousy made me sick and kept me up all night.

She didn’t have a chance to be sad last night, but now? She held her head low, her shoulders slumping, no trace of a smile on her face.

I felt powerless. I wanted to fix this. I hated seeing her like this.

“What if Mavis came over this week?” Lillian’s head shot up, skepticism in her eyes. She waited suspiciously. “Stay the night, perhaps? Like a girl’s night?” She couldn't fight the smile that overtook her. “Yeah?”

She nodded. “I’d like that.” Her phone was immediately out, and she was no doubt texting Mavis to tell her the news.

“Did not expect that,” Aiden said quietly to our brother.

Nicholas elbowed him in the ribs.

I wasn’t sure if my brother had intended for me to hear his sly remark, but a stab of guilt hit me in the chest at the thought of everyone being so surprised that I’d do something nice for Lillian. Had I really been that difficult?

Lillian was beaming with joy but still looked hesitant, like she was waiting for me to tell her it was all a joke.

I really am a dick…

Lillian snorted, making it known she’d heard my inner thought, and gave me a look that said she’d been waiting for meto come to this conclusion all along. She sat taller, straighter, the remnants of her smile sticking around as she finished breakfast.

Nicholas looked at me with pride, as if I’d done something admirable. My chest warmed as I felt my own settle in. I was finally the reason for a smile on our gir—Lillian’s face. It wasn’t a feeling I’d ever expected, and it felt fucking amazing.

“So when do we leave?” her soft voice broke the serene silence.

All eyes were on me. I looked at the clock on the wall. The meeting would start in two hours, and our destination was less than fifteen minutes from the flat. Usually, I would be super early to everything, especially meetings involving my father, but this was different. I knew none of us, especially Lillian, wanted to arrive early and sit around to chat with everyone.

“Hour and a half?” I heard myself ask instead of tell, seeking Lillian’s approval.

Three heads nodded at my answer.

“So… we have time for a quick movie before we go?” Lillian asked in a shaky voice as she rubbed her arm. “Just to calm my nerves?”

How was I supposed to refuse her after making her so happy?

I wasn’t.

So I didn’t.

That was why we left with barely fifteen minutes to get to the council meeting, but for once in my life, I didn’t let it stress me out. Being late was more than worth it.

Watching Lillian fall in love with the movie characters and feel their emotions as they met, fell in love, encountered conflict, and eventually found their way back to one another was one ofthe most adorable things I've ever witnessed. It helped that her guard was down, meaning I heard every ‘aw’, ‘that’s so sweet’, and ‘goals’ that passed through her beautiful mind.

Jealousy prodded at me as the twins held her close between them during the film, looking all cozy and in love. Neither of them really watched the movie; they watched her. That, and shot me teasing glances,knowingI was observing them, even though I tried to avoid their gazes every time they looked my way.

There were several attempts at getting Lillian aroused, primarily by Aiden. They’d grab her tits, run their hands up her thighs, and pull her in for deep kisses. Even though it was my brothers touching her, my cock was rock hard watching her. I had to grab a pillow to hide my tattletale appendage.

At one point, Nicholas kissed the sensitive spot on her neck just below her ear. Her moan caught everyone's attention, making her blush, but she ignored it, focusing on her movie instead.

That sexy little sound almost made me stomp over there, sweep her into my arms, and plop her on my lap for the rest of the movie.Almost.

“Stay with us, little one,” Aiden told her as we exited the car at the office building.

She nodded her head, nerves rendering her speechless.