Did that mean Eudora was a prisoner here? Why had she acted like she owned the house?
“Don’t you own it?”
“I do,” she said. “But I’ve donated it to the cause.” Her tone was derisive as she said this.
I couldn’t read her. Was she here of her own free will?
“What does that mean?”
“I’m here because Ulrich wants my help.”
“Ulrich.” I said the name with disgust and folded my arms. What did she mean she was helping him? What did he want help with?
“I was taken against my will,” I said, patting my hips in this black dress with a similar regret that I hadn’t brought my phone to the party. Then again, even if I’d had it, Ulrich would probably have taken it when I’d been knocked out. “Were you?”
Eudora didn’t answer before footsteps pounded from somewhere beyond the door. Then the sound of a key in the lock clicked, and a man stalked inside. His brown hair was graying at the temples, and he was handsome and lanky.
But the instant our eyes met, I choked on a breath.
“You,” I said, recognizing his green eyes.
“Hello, Rosabel. I came to see if you were awake.”
Like I was here for a friendly visit. Like I was here to chat.
“Let me go. You can’t TAKE people.” My fear and frustration charged, bubbling like a volcano ready to burst.
I peered beyond him toward the door. Theopendoor.
Bemused, he peered behind. “Oh, that. My bad.”
He turned his back to me, and I heard Duncan in my head.
“Don’t go down without a fight.”
I wouldn’t. I didn’t. I bolted.
My blood raced. My energy surged. I dashed for the door, ready to shove him aside and dart through it, only for Ulrich to turn, to painfully shove me so hard I lost my footing and hit the ground.
“I don’t think so,” he said lazily.
It took him only a few steps to reach the door. Only a gesture to close it. And the sound of its slam was so loud, so final. It was a challenge.
I pushed up from the floor and fury flooded me. I charged athimthis time.
He couldn’t do this. I wasn’t going to just go quietly.
I smashed my hands over his face. Ulrich grunted and grabbed my wrists, and then somehow, he had the advantage. He whirled me around, twisting my arm back so it angled up and screamed at me in pain.
“Your lover isn’t the only one who studied martial arts,” he said, sounding winded. And bored. Like dealing with me was nothing at all.
Fear stole my heart.
“Yeah,” he said in my ear. “I don’t want to hurt you, Rosabel. Not when you’re so valuable to me. I need your help. But coercion isn’t beneath me.”
He lifted my arm, twisting it higher and elevating the screaming pain in my shoulder.
Eudora had turned away from us. She covered her face with her hands. The door was closed. I wasn’t sure anyone else was in this house—if that was really where we were.