Tears stung my eyes. “Let me go,” I said again.

Gradually, he lowered my arm.

“Can you at least hear me out?” he said as though he hadn’t just attacked me.

I slammed my eyes closed. I didn’t want to hear anything he had to say, but I didn’t have much other choice.

“I let my business idle,” he said, lowering his disgusting hands and stepping away from me.

My shoulder throbbed. I glared at him, then at Eudora who still had her face covered, as if by looking away it wasn’t really happening.

“But now it’s time to step things up,” Ulrich said. “I need an assistant, and I hear you’re a pretty good one.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“I can help your dad. I can offer you more than he ever could.”

Byhe,I didn’t think he meant my dad. He was talking about Duncan.

“I’d never do that.”

“I don’t take no for an answer. You will work for me. I have friends in the hospital industry—just ask Adelie and Ella. How did I get into the hospital and back out again with their grandma? I’ve got connections, sweetheart. It’s how I crackedthe system. It’s how I broke out. Nothing can hold me. Nothing can stop me. I’m hiding in plain sight.”

“I’ll get out,” I said. “I’ll tell everyone I can.”

Ulrich stared at me. His lips pinched together, showing the first hint of emotion since he’d entered the room. “It would be a shame if one of your father’s in-home nurses let something slip into his drink.”

I gasped. How did he know about Dad? “You wouldn’t.”

“Stacey has been such a helpful asset to my company,” he said, staring at his hands.

Horror struck my heart. Sarah had told me about the new nurse. I’d had a bad feeling about her—but I’d neglected to get the update from Sarah to make sure she thought Stacey was trustworthy.

I’d been stupid and preoccupied with Duncan and his plight. “Dad,” I muttered.

“That’s right. You’ll handle my business transactions from here on out. And you’ll help me retain the incognito status I currently hold.”

I couldn’t comprehend this. I failed to grasp anything other than the questions flailing inside of me.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked. My voice was a tremble. A flurry. Not strong enough to hold its own.

“I have my reasons. There are no trails. No evidence. Nothing can lead Duncan to you unless I say so.”

Fear struck my heart. Once more, I glanced at Eudora. She’d lowered her hands now, but she still wouldn’t look in our direction.

Was she in on this? Or was she a prisoner like me?

“You’re now under the employ of Wolf Industries, Rosabel Astor. Your father will be in my care unless you make a wrong move. I have pawns all across the game board. They’re easy to move, Rosabel. So easy.”

“You can’t do this.”

But from Ulrich’s smug expression as he rose and strolled to the door, I could tell:

Hecoulddo this. He was doing this.

And he had me right where he wanted me.

My only hope was to get ahold of Duncan, but I wasn’t sure how. I didn’t know what to do—and something told me I didn’t have long to figure it out.

The End…For Now