I grab her cupcakes and that’s when the room spins and turns to darkness.
I wake up laid on my bed in my apartment with the doc sat next to me.
“The bakery.” I say sitting up too quickly. The room spins again.
“Calm down, it’s taken care of. Here, drink some water. When was the last time you ate?” He asks.
“Um I grabbed a cookie for breakfast.” I answer.
“It’s now 2pm. You need to eat. Also I need to ask you, is there any chance you could be pregnant?” He asks.
I shake my head vigorously.
“No doc, I have the implant in.” I say pointing to it in my arm.
“Right, and when did you have it fitted? Can you remember?” He asks.
I set it on my laptop calendar. I pull out my laptop and look.
“I’ve had it in for four years and eight months.” I state smiling.
“Esme, that implant is over a year out of date.” He informs me.
“No doc, I was told five years.”
“I’m sorry. The coil is five years but the implant is only three.” He affirms.
My hands start to shake and I feel like I can’t breathe.
“It’s okay Esme, deep breaths. Let’s do a test first. Here, can you go to the bathroom and wee in this pot for me.” He hands me a little pot and I go to the bathroom.
I can’t be pregnant, I just can’t be. I go to the bathroom and come out with the pot and hand it to doc.
He dips a little strip in it and then turns to me.
“This can take a minute or so to show…oh never mind. Congratulations Esme, you’re pregnant!”
“WHAT?” I screech.
“Esme sit down.” Doc orders.
I take a seat and he sits next to me and holds my hand.
“I take it the father is Gaige?” He asks.
“Yeah, I mean I slept with Tanner a while back but he used a condom. I told Gaige I was covered with the implant. Oh shit, he’s going to think I've trapped him isn’t he?” I sob.
“Calm down. I’m sure he will be over the moon. Now, if you like I can book you in for a scan at the county hospital to determine how far along you are. Shall I ring through now and see when we can get you in?” He asks.
I nod. He makes the call and has managed to get me in for tomorrow.
I'm pregnant, fucking pregnant. God, this is a nightmare!
Doc packs up his bag and goes to leave.
“Doc!” I call after him.
“Yes Esme?”