He sighs and ignores me. As much as I fight it, sleep wins.
I stretch out and groan as the daylight beams through the windows.
I blink a few times and then I remember where I am. I sit up a little too quickly and the room starts spinning. Why the hell did I drink so much vodka?
I spot a dressing gown hanging up so I grab it and try and find Gaige so I can get my arse back to the shop.
I find him in the kitchen dressed only in a pair of low hung sweatpants, leaning against the counter drinking coffee. I go to speak but then I realise he’s on the phone.
“Yeah Bob, she's here. No it’s all good, she's safe. Will keep her here for a few days until it’s sorted. Catch you later. Bye.” Gaige disconnects.
“I am not staying here for a few days.” I state, crossing my arms.
Gaige spins around.
“Ah you're awake. Do you always eavesdrop on conversations or just as and when you feel like it?” He asks.
“I don’t know. Do you always walk in on women when they’re naked or is that just me?” I snap back.
“Just you.” He answers quickly.
His answer has me stuttering.
“Eh, what?”
“Ah I’ve finally found a way to shut you up.” He smiles.
“I'm not staying here Gaige, I have to get back. I have deliveries coming and work being done. I need to get back.” I state.
Gaige walks towards me and grabs my hand, pulling me to the patio doors. He slides them open and points.
“There’s already ten foot of snow out there and there’s more coming in today and tomorrow. No one is going anywhere.” He states.
I stare out at the view of the white blanket covering the entire town.
“The view is amazing from up here.” I whisper.
You can just about make out people’s roofs and the smoke coming from their chimneys. Even the boats in the distance are covered in snow. The town is silent; everyone is staying indoors and keeping safe and warm.
I go to step out onto his decking but Gaige grabs my arm and stops me.
“You take one step you’ll fall ten feet into the snow.” He states.
“Huh, I thought this was decking.” I answer.
He smiles and shakes his head.
“No, there are steps down to the decking just there.” He points.
I can't see a thing, there’s snow everywhere.
I feel Gaige’s thumb gently stroking my arm. I shiver, must be the cold air.
“Come in, you're getting cold.” He slides the door shut.
Gaige makes me a coffee and some toast.
I perch at his breakfast bar, unable to stop looking at his well defined muscly body. Every time I make myself look away to focus on something else my eyes trail back to his glorious body.