Page 33 of Tiers of Joy

“Is that it? Is that all you're going to say?” I ask.

“Well what else do you want me to say?” She bites back.

“What about Gaige having a girlfriend? Him not contacting me for nearly a month and then me just randomly bumping into him with his new tart?” I fume down the phone.

“Esme, why would you care if he’s with someone? Calling her a tart isn’t very nice, she offered you a ride home as well remember.” Sally points out.

“I don’t care that he has a girlfriend, I couldn’t care less. I just thought we were friends. Friends don’t do that to each other. Friends don’t just disappear for a month and then turn up with a new girlfriend.” I rant.

“Okay, right. You don’t care, just keep telling yourself that.” Sally snorts.

“Look, I get that you’d be pissed that he hasn’t contacted you but you can't be pissed that he has a girlfriend.” Sally states.

God I hate it when she's right. I don’t say anything, I just poke my tongue out at her down the phone.

“Listen Esme, it will get better there. Once the bakery is open and you can settle into more of a life and make friends it will all happen for you okay. Now I hate to leave you, but I have a date in like ten minutes.” Sally says.

“Go have a blast on your date and remember to keep your legs crossed until at least date three.” I tell her.

“It’s Juan from work. I am not making any promises! I've been wanting to ride him since he started back in September. If the opportunity should arise for a thoroughly good ride I shall be jumping on that. It’s been too damn long. Got to go, he’s here. Love ya, bye.” She disconnects.

I sigh and decide to eat junk food in bed and read a book. It’s only 8pm but I don’t care; I just want to curl up and forget the day.

I try to keep my head down, only waving hello as I pass by people in the town. I'm sure they’re all talking about the stupid girl that fell in the ocean. I mean, how can you accidentally fall into the ocean? It’s not like you can miss it!

Bob asked me to pick up some bits for him at the hardware store so I jump in his truck. I'm still yet to buy myself one, the rental had to go back. I was going to ask Gaige to help me a few weeks back but because he's been such an arsehole I haven’t bothered.

I park up and groan when I spot Gaige’s truck. Of course he had to be here.

I jump out and head in with my trolly. I keep my gaze fixated on the task at hand and force myself not to look around for him. I look down at the list and see written is a drill bit with a number next to it. I look up at all of the drill bits. The one Bob wants is about two feet out of my reach. I hold the list in my mouth and step into the trolly to give me the height to reach it. I smile when I grab it. See, I don’t need no man to help me.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Is yelled at me from down the aisle. I spin around quickly and in doing so rock the trolly.

“Woah!” I yell as I wobble and fall out of the trolly.

“Ow! Son of a bitch, that’s going to bruise.” I groan, laying back on the hard concrete floor.

Gaige stands over me, looking pissed off. I instantly feel myself getting annoyed. Why the hell is he angry?! He made me lose my balance and fall.

He reaches down and offers his hand but I slap it away and get up by myself, groaning in pain.

“Why the hell do you keep trying to injure yourself?” He asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

“It’s your bloody fault! If you hadn’t shouted at me I wouldn’t have looked your way and got distracted. Now if you don’t mind, you can piss off so I can carry on shopping for Bob.” I state going back to my trolly with a slight limp. My arse is killing me.

“Let me see what's on the list. I can help you.” He states, holding out his hand.

I laugh.

“No thank you. If I want help I will ask a friend.” I see the sting my words have and do my best to walk off without limping and holding my backside.

Gaige storms in front of me and stands at the end of my trolly, forcing me to stop.

“I thought we were friends.” He states angrily.

“Friends do not fuck off when their friend needs them. Friends do not avoid their friends for nearly a month and then just bump into them with a new tart on their arm.” I spit angrily.

At first he looks apologetic then at my mention of the tart he gets angry.