Page 29 of Tiers of Joy

Chapter Seven

I wake up with the worst headache and groan when I hear my phone going off. I reach for it and answer.

“What?” I groan.

“Jesus you sound like shit. You had wine, didn’t you? Why did you drink wine?! You know it gives you a bad hangover.” Sally sighs.

“Gaige brought me wine with dinner last night.” I mumble.

“Woah hold on, you went on a date and you didn’t tell me?!” She screeches.

“Ow! Sally, lower the noise level.” I groan.

“Sorry, you went on a date?!” She whispers.

“It wasn’t a date! We are just friends. It was only because I haven't been able to eat a proper meal what with all of the work going on. He took me to the local pub and we got some dinner. That’s all there is to it.” I state as I slowly sit up.

I notice there’s a glass of water on the box beside my bed along with two painkillers and a note.

Esme, you snore. Drink the water and take the painkillers. I will bring you some breakfast to help with your hangover in the morning.


I smile and take the painkillers and drink the water.

“Esme, are you even listening to me?” Sally asks.

“Sorry, Gaige left me a note and a glass of water and some painkillers to take. He said he will be bringing me breakfast to help with my hangover.” I state, getting up and getting changed into leggings and a baggy off the shoulder jumper.

“Esme, he's into you! No guy would do that for a woman he barely knows. How can you not see it?! I can and I'm thousands of miles away.” Sally fumes.

“Sally, he knows about Jay. He knows I just want friendship. He’s just being a good friend. It’s no different to what you would do in that situation.” I point out.

“Okay but I still think there’s more to it. You’re a stunner, you have no clue just how many guys want to go out with you. You’ve always been blind.” Sally states.

“Anyway, I'm calling to wish you a merry Christmas and to make sure you’re okay?” She says.

“I will be fine, I promise.” I reassure her.

“It’s just that it’s the first Christmas without Jay and I'm going to be at my parents and the phone reception is crap. I will call you as soon as I get back.” She states. I can hear the worry in your voice.

“I will be fine. Have you got the presents that I sent overto take with you?” I ask.

“Yes, have you got mine ready to open?” She asks back.

“Yup, I'm looking at it right now.” I smile.

“Okay good. Right, I have to go. I’ll speak to you in a couple of days. Love ya.” Sally says.

“Love ya too.” I repeat back and disconnect.

A little while later Gaige turns up with some breakfast and coffee. He’s right of course, it definitely helps with my hangover.

I hand him his Christmas present. He takes it and looks surprised.

“Esme, you didn’t have to get me anything. I didn’t get you anything.” He states and is about to open it.

“No! Save it for tomorrow morning.” I smile. “I don’t give gifts to receive them. I love giving presents to people; I love seeing the happiness it brings.” I state.