I hear his large footsteps come closer.
“What the fuck?” I hear mumbled.
“Yes I know. I got wedged trying to get this bastard mattress up the stairs, can you help me please?” I beg.
“Why didn’t the delivery company do it for you?” He asks.
“I told them I could do it myself.” I mumble.
“Esme, this is a king size mattress; it needs two people to move it.” He states.
“Actually it’s a super king, and well, I know that now don’t I! So can you help me or what?” I ask.
“Yeah hang on.” I hear the click sound of the camera on his phone go.
“You better not be taking a bloody picture!” I yell.
“Nope.” He answers. I swear he's laughing, the bastard!
“Right, just stay there. I'm going to try something.” He states.
“I shall do my best to stay bloody stuck.” I snap.
I feel him climb up next to me until he’s right alongside me.
“You have no top on.” He points out.
“Yes well I got hot and threw my jumper off. You're safe, I have a bra on, the girls are safely tucked away.” I say, practically feeling his breath across my stomach. I’m slightly on my side. I look down and watch as he pretty much crawls up over my body. I feel my cheeks blush. Having a guy, a good looking guy, this close to me is something I haven't felt in a long time. There was only ever Jay.
He reaches the same point as me and our bodies are pressed together. We’re practically nose to nose.
“So what's you plan?” I ask.
His hand moves down to his pocket, brushing past my breast.
“Sorry.” He murmurs.
His hand comes back up and there’s a folded knife in his hand.
“Oh no. You are not cutting into my brand new mattress. Do you know how much it cost?!” I argue.
He pauses for a moment.
“Okay. I'm going to try and climb up and push my way through. Can you push against the mattress as hard as you can to create as much room as possible.” He states. I nod and try and push all of my body weight back. He manages to climb up and at one point his crotch is in my face.
“Sweet Jesus! We’re practically at second base right now.” I mumble.
He keeps managing to climb up until he’s out.
“I'm through. I'm going to try and reach in and pull you through too.” He yells.
I reach my hands up and he grabs hold. He pulls and I move up. He keeps pulling hard, using all his might.
He pulls so hard that I come flying out, knocking him off of his feet and landing right on top of him with a thud.
I burst out laughing.
“Yay I'm free! My hero!”