Page 21 of Tiers of Joy

I quickly get changed, afraid incase anyone else walks in. I walk into the kitchen and towel dry my hair as much as possible. Considering there’s no electric I can’t dry my hair properly.

Gaige is leaning against the counter drinking his coffee. His eyes come to mine as I walk in. He nods towards the coffee he made for me on the counter. I don’t say a word. I just take it and drink it, moaning.

“God that’s good coffee.” I state.

“I'm sorry for walking in on you like that. If it makes you feel any better, I’d only just walked in when you saw me in the mirror. I only saw your naked dancing for about two seconds, if that.” He admits.

“Ah well, that’s okay then. No harm done.” I roll my eyes.

“I promise I've erased it from my memory. Apart from your singing, I think that has scarred me for life. I don’t think I’ll ever recover.” He says teasing.

“Hang on a minute, are you teasing me? Are you actually fighting a smile, because I didn’t know you were capable of it! Anyone would think you're flirting with me.” I mock with fake shock.

The twinkle in his eyes immediately disappears and his cold serious face returns.

“I apologise. The last thing I want is for you to think that I was flirting. I'm going to finish taking the measurements and order in the wood.” He states. He places his cup down and leaves me standing in the kitchen wondering what the hell just happened.

I shrug and finish drinking my coffee. I hear Gaige leave without a goodbye and watch him jump in his truck.

“There I go again Jay, putting my foot in it and making a complete tit out of myself. Day six and I’ve already flashed a local.” I smile to myself.

I have to laugh at myself or I’d cry.

A couple of hours later my bed and sofa are delivered. The guys manage to get the sofa up for me and I tell them not to worry about the bed frame and mattress; I can do that myself. They exchange a look of doubt but soon leave.

I practically drag the bed frame box upstairs, huffing and puffing. The thing weighed a ton! I walk back down for the mattress and try to drag it. Well, if I thought the frame was heavy I was in for a treat because this mattress was only moving if I used all my weight! I make it halfway up the stairs, pushing it up with my back to it and squatting up each step. I'm sweating. I remove my jumper and chuck it down the stairs which leaves me in my bra and jeans. I don’t care, I just want to get this blasted mattress up the stairs.

I lean against the mattress, out of breath. I move back a strand of hair that’s fallen out of my messy bun.

“Well what am I going to do now?” I mutter.

I try pushing back on the mattress but it doesn’t shift. Somehow I have managed to wedge it. I snort and think back to that friends episode.

“Pivot!” I snort to myself.

Jesus! I'm going insane. What the hell am I going to do? I decide it’s worth seeing if I can climb over the mattress and pull it from the top. The mattress is wedged and not going anywhere and I have nothing to lose.

I start to climb, pulling myself through the tiny gap, the springs of the mattress not giving me much space. Why did I buy a firm mattress?!

“Nearly there Esme, come on!” I pant.

I get a little further up and my top half is near the top of the mattress but my arse is wedged between the mattress and the narrow stairwell. I try wiggling but no luck.

“Oh for mother effing sake!” I yell.

I lay there for I don’t know how long.

“This mattress really is incredibly comfortable.” I sigh, laying back on it.

I hear someone knock. My head snaps up.

“Hello if you can hear me, HELP!” I yell as loud as I can.

“Esme?!” I hear Gaige shout.

It had to be him didn’t it?!

“Yeah help! I'm stuck.” I yell.