Page 15 of Tiers of Joy

“Yes that’s right. Nice to meet you, I'm Esme.” I hold out my hand and shake hers in greeting.

“Oh I love your accent! It’s like we have Kate Winslet in our store. Eric! Come and meet Esme, she’s British! So, how are you finding the town so far?” She asks.

“I only arrived late last night so I haven't had a chance to see much of the town. I'm off to the hardware store after here. Is there anywhere you can recommend for furniture?” I ask.

She rings up my items and a man, who I'm guessing is Eric, comes from out the back.

“Eric, this is Esme. Esme, meet my husband, Eric.” She introduces.

“Good to meet you. What are your plans for the shop?” He asks bluntly.

The shoppers behind me lean in and so does Nellie. I bite my lip nervously.

“Well um, I plan on opening a little bakery.” I answer.

Nellie smiles and Eric looks relieved that I'm not opening anything that is direct competition with his store. The shoppers behind me suddenly start chatting too.

“Oh that sounds lovely! Now if it’s furniture you need, ask Ted at the hardware store. He has a little there that he buys from a local guy who makes things by hand out of wood. The rest I'm afraid you'll either have to head to the city or order online.” Nellie smiles.

“Okay great, thank you. I guess I’ll see you around.” I say as I leave.

They all smile and wave, even the gossiping shoppers behind me. I guess that’s what they were waiting to see: if I was going to come in and ruin their town.

I get in my car and turn up the heat. I know another thing I'm going to need is a clothes store. I definitely need thermal wear. I wonder if I can buy a thermal bra. My poor nipples feel like they’re about to snap.

I drive along to the hardware store which is just up the road. I notice all of the beautiful houses; some are painted in bright colours. I smile to myself, this place is so cute.

I park up and jump out. I grab a trolley and slowly walk up and down the aisles, not really sure what I need. I spot the paint and pick out various colours. I grab a drill, saw, and screws. I’m bound to need them at some point. I notice a small homeware section and head straight for it. I grab a shower curtain and pole. I grab a kettle and a couple of pans. I see a blanket I grab two and a pillow.

I walk down and find a camping section with a camp bed. I smile and pile it onto the trolly. Not looking where I'm going I keep looking at the shelves. As I walk around the corner I bump into something, or should I say someone.

“Watch it!” Is yelled in a deep voice. I move around my trolly.

“I'm so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going. Are you o…it’s you.” I snap.

“Doesn’t surprise me that it’s you, I should have guessed when you rammed your trolly into me!” He grumbles.

“I said I was sorry. If you can't tell, I'm trying to push a lot in the trolly right now. So if you could just move out of my way so I could carry on getting the things I need, that would be great.” I snap.

I shove my trolly to go around him.

“You going camping in this weather?” He asks, pointing the camp bed.

“No, not that it is any of your business. I have just moved into the flat above the shop, so until I can furnish it I’m buying this to sleep on. You going to give me your opinion on that too?” I ask.

“No opinion whatsoever.” He adds.

“Great. Now if you don’t mind, I have a lot to get and things that I need to fix.” I state as I walk past.

I grab a few other tools and an electrical testing kit, adaptor, and a few other bits I think I might need.

I pay the clerk and ask him about the furniture.

“Mainly benches and a couple of rocking chairs. They’re just out back. Give me your keys I will load up your car.” He holds out his hand and I dubiously hand over my keys.

“This isn’t a city; around here we help each other out. Your stuff is safe, don’t worry.” He smiles.

“Err, thanks Ted!” I yell.