Page 16 of Tiers of Joy

I walk out back and see the stunning hand carved benches. I take a seat and run my hand along the delicate carved arms. I look up and spot the rocking chair. I immediately fall in love with it. I jump up and sit in it.

It’s carved oak, almost gothic in design with its swirls, and almost has a Celtic look about it. I close my eyes and rock back and forth, smiling, I always said to Jay that when we had children I wanted a rocking chair, one that I could rock our baby to sleep in. I twist my wedding band on my finger as I fight back the tears.

I hear a cough. I jump to my feet and sniffle, wiping my eyes. I look up and see it’s the tall dark arsehole.

“You're crying.” He states.

“Wow, you should become a detective with those kind of skills. You could make it far.” I snap sarcastically.

“You want the chair, it’s $300.” He states.

I frown.

“You work here?” I ask.

“No, I made the chair. Ted lets me sell my work here.” He states.

“You made these?” I ask in awe.

“Yes, I just said that. Now do you want the chair or not?” He asks.

“Wow, you clearly have a talent for design, but the same can't be said for your people skills. Yes I want the chair.” I hand him the money.

“I will follow you back with it on my truck.” He states and walks passed me. He picks up the chair like it weighs nothing.

Before I leave I take down the number on the board for a contractor and an electrician and plumber. By all accounts it was the same number and name for all.

“Ted, are there any other contractors I can ask for a quote?” I ask.

He bursts out laughing.

“Only one man around here. He's our plumber, electrician, and contractor.” He states.

“Ah okay. Thank you.” I say. As I head to the car I see tall, dark, and grumpy in his pickup truck waiting, looking as pissed off as ever. I give him my biggest smile and wave just to piss him off. I swear I see him snarl. I laugh, loving that I annoy him that much.

I pull up outside the shop and open up. I start unloading the stuff I had brought and lugging it up the stairs to the apartment.

I hear tall, dark, and grumpy follow behind me. I point to the living room for him to put the chair in.

He looks around the place and blows out his breath, showing the steam from how cold it is in here.

“You got no heating?” He asks.

“Well I don’t know. I tried to put the heating on this morning and accidentally pulled the thermostat knob off. That’s why I bought the tools and took the number down for the electrician, plumber, and construction worker.” I point out.

He spots the knob on the side and picks it up and goes to the thermostat. He pushes it on and fiddles with it a little and turns it.

“There, you should start to feel heat soon. Keep it at that temp, it will keep it nice and warm for you.” He states.

“Oh well thank you. I was going to fix it myself, but you’ve saved me a job. I'm usually pretty handy at fiddling with knobs.” I say. Immediately I hear the words back and I blush.

“Oh god, I didn’t mean it in that way, as in, a penis knob. I don’t go fiddling with them. I meant in terms of the little knobs. Oh for fuck sake Esme, shut up.” I ramble.

I look up at tall, dark, and grumpy through my fingers, like when I'm unable to watch a scary part in a movie.

“Good to know. I'm going to go.” He states.

“Oh erm, thank you.” I mutter as he walks off down the stairs.