Page 132 of Tiers of Joy

“I can’t believe you’re pregnant! You always wanted a family. You look so happy and it’s amazing seeing you like this. I never said anything but I was terrified for you when you came here. You were so broken and a shell of the person you were/are. I was worried that if things didn’t work out here for you, that you would do something silly and I would lose you.” Sally admits.

I lean over and grab her hand in mine.

“Sally, I never knew you felt that way. I was broken, completely broken, I can’t deny that dark thoughts crossed my mind. What saved me was coming here. Gaige saved me in so many ways, even when he was being an arse that spark, that feeling, brought me back to life a little bit more each time.” I smile.

We hug each other tight. I needed this, I needed my best friend.

“Come on. Let’s finish these and then I will show you upstairs.” I say wiping away the tears.

“Christ, look at us sat here bloody crying! I’m having a stiff drink when we get back to yours and I will have an extra one for you.” Sally smiles and wipes her tears.

“He would be so happy seeing you like this you know? This is what he wanted for you.” Sally sighs.

“I know. I still miss him every day, even though I’m with Gaige who I love beyond words. I just wish he could have seen all this.” I smile.

“He can. He is always looking down on you Esme. Well, maybe there are certain times he’s not. If you know what I mean.” Sally winks and smiles sadly.

I laugh and shake my head.

“Come on. Let me show you the rest of the place.” I stand up and hold out my hand.

It’s late by the time we’re home and Sally and Flynn are exhausted. They decide to get to bed and get some sleep. I lay with Gaige on the sofa watching a series about serial killers.

“I would love to meet him, wouldn’t you? He would be fascinating and terrifying. God, can you imagine the stuff he would tell you?” I ask, completely enthralled by the show.

“Err is there something you want to tell me?” Gaige laughs.

I look up at him and laugh.

“No, but come on. These guys get to go around and interview the most prolific serial killers. I mean wow, just wow. Take Edmund Kemper for example. He was a highly intelligent man! He was kind and cautious and would sit nicely and talk to you.” I state.

“Yeah and he also killed women, cut off their heads, and had sex with their dead bodies. Something tells me he isn’t a true gent.” Gaige laughs.

“Fair point.” I admit.

“I do find serial killers interesting though.” I state.

“Good to know. Remind me never to piss you off.” Gaige laughs.

“Come on, enough serial killers for one night, let’s get to bed.” Gaige switches off the TV and we can hear noises.

“What’s that?” I ask.

Gaige helps me off of the couch and we walk to the bottom of the stairs.

The sounds become clearer. They are coming from upstairs. I start giggling.

“Are they doing what I think they’re doing?” Gaige asks.

“Umm yes, it appears so. Jet lag my arse!” I giggle.

“Want to finish watching serial killers for a minute?” I ask, still laughing.

“Yeah I think that’s a good idea.” He agrees.

We both fall asleep on the couch.

“Pssst. Esme, wake up.” Sally calls.