Page 108 of Tiers of Joy

“Esme.” Amy calls.

“Huh?” I turn to her.

“You completely zoned out then. The poor lady stopped talking to you because you were just staring and growling.” Amy points out.

“Sorry, baby brain.” I sigh.

“What’s up Esme?” Amy asks.

“Oh nothing, just tired I think. I will be more relaxed when upstairs is done and the interviews are over. What time are we starting those again?” I ask.

“Shutting the bakery at 4pm today. The first applicant is straight away and then we have four applicants after that.” Amy states looking at the calendar.

“Right, I can’t wait.” I roll my eyes.

We finish off the day and clear up and close. I yawn. I’m feeling completely exhausted. I could murder a good strong cup of coffee, but apparently it’s not good for the baby.

We set everything up to interview in the kitchen. I sit down and stuff an iced bun in my mouth. I can’t have coffee to keep me awake so I will have to settle for sugar.

“Esme, this is Ambrosia.” Amy introduces as she walks into the kitchen. The woman she is with has around twenty bangles on each arm, her hair is in dreadlocks, and she is wearing a long floral patterned sleeveless dress.

I quickly chew and swallow my iced bun.

“Hi, nice to meet you. I’m sorry, what’s your name again?”

“It’s Ambrosia.” She shakes my hand and takes a seat.

“Like the custard?” I ask.

“What?” She asks.

“What?” I repeat back.

“Err….so Ambrosia, what experience have you got with working in a bakery?” Amy asks.

“Well I’m sure she can make a cracking custard tart.” I snort to myself.

Ambrosia looks at me like I’m insane.

“I…well…don’t have a lot. I worked in an herbalist shop for a while. You know you could use a lot of that in your baking. I make a mean brownie.” She smiles.

“I bet you do.” I mumble under my breath.

“So what other qualities can you bring to the job?” Amy asks.

I carry on eating my iced bun.

“Well, I have a very strong and powerful chakra.” She answers.

“They have antibiotics for that.” I retort.

Amy chokes on her drink.

Ambrosia either didn’t hear my answer or had chosen to ignore it.

“I can feel that this place has a magnificent aura, it just exploded all over me as soon as I was near.”

“That’s what she said.” I cough under my breath.