“Where is Gaige?” I ask.
Bob looks at me and shrugs.
“No idea. I'm guessing he's at the yard. He rang and said he’s too busy to help out and that he has another job.” He answers.
“Oh, okay.” I shrug. I don’t ask any more questions. I guess if he’s busy, he’s busy.
I go about sorting the kitchen units and ordering in the equipment for the bakery and a new sign for the front of the shop. Finally things are slowly starting to come together. The place still looks like a hell hole at the moment but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to order in the stuff now, ready. It’s not like I've got much else to do at the moment.
Chapter Eight
It’s been three weeks since I saw Gaige. I haven't heard from him, absolutely nothing. I feel hurt and I miss his company like crazy.
I finally have working electrics and fully working heating and plumbing.
Deciding I need a break from it all I go for a walk around the town and down to the shore. It’s minus something degrees, blistering cold, and there’s snow everywhere, but I just needed the escape. I walk along the docks and see a bench and sit. I have on my new extra thick padded long coat, woolly hat, and gloves. Through all of the layers I can still feel the bite of the ice cold air.
I sit and watch the fishing boats come in and out the dock. I hear giggling and I turn my head in that direction. I see a couple in an embrace, kissing and walking along hand in hand in this direction. I smile, thinking how sweet it is. I remember when Jay and I were like that.
It’s not until the couple come closer that I realise it’s Gaige. I get up and try to inconspicuously walk away from them as quick as I can. Why wouldn’t Gaige tell me he was seeing someone?! That’s what friends do, right? I mean he just leaves and I never hear from him. Now he just pops up with some tart!
I am walking too quickly and not paying attention to where I’m walking. I’m angry and lost in my own thoughts. I slip on some ice and fall into the freezing ocean.
I gasp as the freezing cold water hits my body. I desperately try to keep on the surface but the weight of my clothes and jacket are making it hard.
“HELP!” I yell, gasping for breath.
I see Gaige lean over the dock. Reaching in he grabs me by my coat and pulls me up out of the water.
“Thank kkk yyyou.” I shiver.
I get to my feet and my whole body is shivering.
“Why weren’t you looking where the hell you were going?!” He yells.
I ignore him and start walking back the way I came. I just want to get home, take a hot shower, and forget this moment ever happened.
“Esme!” He yells.
His girlfriend comes running over to me.
“Do you want a ride?” She asks kindly. I shake my head. Even though I would love to be inside a warm car right now, I’m too stubborn to admit it.
“Nnno ttthank yyou.” I say waddling my way up the path.
“Esme!” Gaige yells again.
I hold my shaking hand up and flip him off.
I make it back to the shop and thankfully Bob and his men have buggered off. I walk straight to the bathroom and jump in the hot shower. As soon as the hot water hits my skin I moan.
I stay in the shower for as long as I can. Thoughts of Gaige go running through my head. I can't believe he hasn’t even bothered to see me for what, nearly a month, and I run into him with his girlfriend. I thought I was wrong about him but I guess I was right from the beginning. Arsehole.
After my shower I put on some extra layers, still feeling the cold. I can’t seem to warm up properly. I pour myself a wine and call Sally.
I tell her what happened.
“Oh Esme, thank god he was there to pull you out.” She says.