I check my plane ticket. One way from Heathrow to Halifax Nova Scotia. I check I have my passport. I've done this four times already. The doorbell rings, stopping me from checking a fifth time.
I open the door and Sally barges in.
“Are you ready? Now, have you checked you passport and ticket?” She asks. I give her a look.
“Only about fifty times. I'm crapping my pants Sally. What if no one likes me? What if I put my foot in it somehow and offend the whole town? You know I have a habit of doing that.” I whine.
“Yes, I remember that last town you pissed off that chased you down with their pitchforks.” Sally says sarcastically.
“You know what I mean. Jay would stop me or at least rescue me somehow. Now I don’t have him to do that. This could be a disaster.” I sigh, sitting on my case.
Sally perches next to me and wraps her arm around me.
“It’ll be fine, I promise. You have every right to be nervous and scared but you’ve wanted this for so long. Don’t write it off before you’ve even tried.”
I sigh and nod, knowing she's right. God damn it! I hate it when she's right.
“Anyway, if all else fails, you just sell up and come back. You won’t fail though because you are relentless and never give up.” Sally smiles and stands, clapping her hands. “Right, let’s go, can't have you missing your plane.”
I wheel the suitcases out to Sally.
“Holy fuck Esme, what you got in here, bricks?!” She grunts while lifting them into the boot.
“Yes, I wanted to bring parts of the house with me.” I answer sarcastically.
I stand back and look up at the house, our house. I let a few tears fall.
“It’s just bricks and mortar. He’s still with you, you know.” Sally says holding my hand.
I sniff and wipe my tears.
“Yeah, I know. It just holds a lot of special memories.” I sigh.
Sally leans her head on my shoulder and sighs with me. I rest my head on hers and we just stand for a few minutes in silence.
“Ready?” Sally asks.
I smile and nod.
“Yeah. Yeah, I think I am.”
Sally drives us to the airport and I look out of the window, watching the town I lived and grew up in pass us by. Sally and I point out memories as we go past.
“The skate park where Jay and I had our first kiss.” I point out.
“Isn’t it also where you first gave him a blowie? Behind the half pipe there.” She points out.
“Yes, thank you. Thanks for tarnishing that memory.” I laugh.
“OOO look! That craphole B&B where you guys first shagged.” She coos.
“Ah yes, what a memorable night that was. There was the guy that had hired a prostitute in the next room, and I believe a crack head drug dealer in the other. It was the most beautiful three minutes of my life.” I snort.
We pull up at the traffic lights and Sally smacks my arm.
“Look! There’s Jay’s mum.” She gasps.
I look and see Jay’s mum walking along with another man. She's dressed in her finest but I wouldn’t expect anything less. I recognise the man she’s with.