“What about this one?” I ask, pointing to the computer screen.
“Yeah, I like it. You know we need another twenty thousand pounds until we can actually move out there and buy a place like that.” Jay reminds me.
“I know, I know, but there's no harm in looking. I wish we could move there now. I wish we could get away from this place, so you can finally leave the job you hate so much it’s making you ill.” I state, resting my head on his shoulder.
Jay kisses my head as I cuddle in further, sitting on his lap on his office chair.
We’ve been dreaming for so long about selling up and moving to Nova Scotia for a quieter life. I will open up my own little bakery and Jay will start his boat restoration company. He wants to make the hobby he loves into his dream job.
He currently works in the city for his dad’s insurance company and he hates it. His father never gave him a chance to do what he wanted; he was expected to work for his father’s company. He was told that his dream job was beneath him and a hobby and it was to stay that way.
Jay and I have been together since high school but I was never good enough for his parents. I didn’t want a high powered stressful job. I’ve always done what I love, and that’s baking. I currently work in the kitchen at a nursery; it isn’t great pay, but I love baking treats for the kids and whenever there’s a birthday I make a birthday cake. I even bake at home in my spare time for friends and family. I never really make any extra money though because I don’t like charging people. I just love to bake.
We eloped when we were eighteen and got married in Gretna Green without telling his parents. Jay always fought his parents when it came to me. He said he could handle working a job he hates if it meant coming home to me every night.
Now the stress of the job is becoming too much. He’s constantly exhausted, losing weight, and losing his appetite. I’ve told him to go to the doctor but he insists that he will feel a thousand times better when we go away on our holiday.
“Have you eaten today?” I ask.
He sighs.
“I tried eating some toast this morning but it just made me feel worse. I binned it.” He yawns.
I sit up and cup his face in my hands.
“Jay, I’m ringing the doctor. This is getting silly now. You need to see a doctor. Please, for me.” I beg.
Jay gives me a nod and I smile and kiss him softly.
“Thank you. I quite like having you around and I’m not ready to be a widow at twenty-three. We have so many more years of me nagging you ahead of us.” I tease.
“I can't wait.” Jay rolls his eyes.
“I'm sure it’s nothing. It’s probably low iron or at the very worst a stomach ulcer, but I need you fit and healthy if we’re going to live out our dreams. I don’t think I could live out my dream without you.” I kiss him softly.
He cups my face and whispers across my lips.
“I will be with you forever until we are old and grey. I’ll be tripping over my saggy balls and you’ll be tripping over your saggy tits.” He jokes.
I slap his chest and laugh.
“Oh you’re such a romantic!”
“I'm joking! I will love you always, saggy tits and all.”
We’re sitting in the doctors’ waiting area, waiting for Jay to be seen. They’ve done some tests and a full body scan. Thankfully his job comes with private health care so the tests have been done quickly. The doctor got the results back and asked him to come in. I'm hoping it’s nothing too serious because I can tell Jay is secretly worried. He hasn’t let go of my hand the entire time. The last time he did this was when we told his father we were married.
“Mr Tucker?” The doctor calls.
I give Jay a small smile and walk with him into the doctor’s office.
“Please take a seat.” He gestures.
We sit, Jay still holding my hand in his.
“We have your results back.” He pauses while looking over the file in his hand.