
Part of me wondered if I was still dreaming.

I’d barely slept last night, too pumped up for Nate’s arrival. Despite his insistence that he could grab a ride to my place, I’d made up my mind to pick him up. I knew they’d be arriving at the studio first and when he texted along the way to let me know how far out he was, I arrived early and waited.

And man, it was worth the wait. Not just now, but the past two months.

I didn’t care that we were in a parking lot, or who might be looking at us. I needed Nate’s kiss, and it was better than I remembered. So good, that when he teased me with that wicked tongue of his, I nearly dropped the box I was holding.

When we finally came up for air, both of us looked punch-drunk.

“What’s in the box?” Nate asked.


All the blood in my body had rushed south, so my brain was a bit slow on the uptake.

Nate chuckled as he leaned over and gave me another kiss, a quick one this time, and asked again. “The box?”

“Oh, that. Just a little something sweet to start things off,” I whispered and handed the box to him. Then I squeezed his waist. “Let’s get your stuff and get the hell out of here.”

“My thoughts exactly.”

I reluctantly let go of him and reached down for his guitar and his bag. “I’m the blackF-150at the end of the row.”

“You don’t need to carry?—”

I leaned over and kissed him again, silencing any further comment.

“It’s my pleasure,” I said as I held on tightly to his stuff. “Now get that sexy ass moving.”

Nate laughed, and the deep sound was so much better in person. Fuck, I’d missed this man.

“Still demanding,” he quipped.

“Still waiting.”

Nate started off, and I followed, walking slowly for a bit, enjoying the view. When he turned around and caught me staring at his ass, he laughed again and waited for me to catch up.

Once I got his stuff loaded on the flatbed of my pickup, I ran around to open the passenger door for him. He paused, bitinghis full lower lip, looking like he wanted to say something but was holding back.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him.

“Nothing,” he smiled at me. “I’m just not used to, you know, this.”

He pointed to the door.

I had a brief flash of self-doubt, but it vanished when I noticed the flush on his cheeks. Making any rockstar blush was a feat. Making this rockstar blush? It was heady.

“I enjoy it. But I gotta be honest. I’m only this way with you.”

Taking care of someone wasn’t my usual, but with Nate, it felt entirely natural. I didn’t even have to think about it.

Nate nodded, and I offered to hold the box while he got seated. Once he was settled, I quickly made my way around to the driver’s side and hopped in.

“What?” Nate exclaimed as he finally opened the box. “Beignets?”

I smiled so wide my cheek hurt