“You said you were missing NOLA, and that beignets were your favorite thing ever. Now, I’m sure the ones here aren’t as good, but?—”
“They smell amazing. Thank you.”
Nate reached in, pulled out one of the square pastries covered in powdered sugar, and took a big bite.
The appreciative moan that rumbled out of his chest had me squirming in my seat. My hard cock was about to burst free of these jeans at any moment. And then he offered me a bite of his beignet. No way in hell I was gonna resist. Him, or the pastry.
I took a bite, the sweet goodness hitting my tastebuds.
“It’s the second-best thing I’ve ever tasted.”
I winked at him, then licked my lips, savoring more sugar.
It was the damn truth. I reached for Nate, leaning over the console to take his mouth in a deep, drugging kiss. Fuck, I could make out with him for ages and come just like this.
“I’d love to see just how durable this truck is, but first, I want to see your place,” Nate whispered.
I took one last taste of his sinful lips and leaned back from temptation.
Once I’d calmed down enough to drive, I pulled out of the parking lot and headed for home. It was a ten-minute drive from the studio and while I was driving, Nate told me all about the band’s trip to Chicago.
“It’s one of my favorite cities in the midwest,” I admitted. “Great food, big art scene, and lots of live shows. Love the energy.”
“Speaking of shows, we got some news today. We’re gonna be touring the West Coast this summer. And during the month of July, with Wayward Lane.”
“Seriously?” I glanced over. “That’s amazing! That means we’ll get to travel together.”
Granted, it was six months away.
“I can’t wait,” Nate replied and reached over to squeeze my right thigh. I put my hand over his and interlinked our fingers tightly. He was so damn close, and still too far away.
“Where are you going after this break?” I asked.
“Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. But our manager informed us today that we’ll be in Nashville for a week instead of two days. We’ve got some studio time locked in before we hit the road again. And it works out since I need to find a permanent home asap.”
“Don’t you have an apartment here already?”
Nate shook his head. “Just a short-term rental the label set up in November. It’s located on the outskirts of the city, and Idon’t want to have to drive every day when I’m back here. I’d like to be downtown.”
“I’m happy to be your guide. There are plenty of great neighborhoods and lots of cool condos.”
“First, I want to see yours.”
“It’s my pleasure,” I replied as I drove down the street where my condo was located. I pointed up at the brick building on the left. “That’s my place. It used to be a clothing factory, and they turned it into lofts a decade ago. It doesn’t have tons of amenities, but the location and the views can’t be beat.”
I pulled into the parking garage, unloaded Nate’s stuff, and steered him toward the elevator.
He was suddenly quiet, not like him, and it made the nerves in my belly tighten.
“Look, there’s no pressure here,” I explained to him when we got in the elevator. “If you want to stay for a bit and then head back to your place, it’s fine. I know staying over is a lot. We haven’t seen each other in weeks and?—”
“It’s not that,” Nate replied and stepped closer. “I’m just kind of in shock at how right this feels. How much I’ve missed you. And I’m really fucking excited about staying.”
“Baby, I’m the same.”
Then I leaned over and kissed Nate soundly. Of course, we missed getting off at my floor and had to wait another five minutes.
It was totally worth it.